9. Rut

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-Matthew's POV

"Okay , okay so let me get this straight. You have two girlfriends now?" Ryan asked. Here he was again over my house for our daily smoke session and listening to another one of my secret love triangle stories.

"Well, one is more of a hit and the other is someone I want to be with," I said after I passed Ryan the blunt.

"Wait," he coughed "So did you ever hit it off with Chaynia last night?"

"No, I just went to get things straightened out we kissed and that's all. I mean I did get a boner, but she felt it and we stopped. "

"Whaaaaaat?????!!!!!! Dude, you had the chance to hit and you didn't take it??!?!??!"

"Ryan, I told you that I don't see Chaynia for sex, I want to build something with her."

"How can you build something with her and you're cheating?"

That question hit me hard.

"Ryan, stop."

"Hey man, I mean it's the truth. If Chaynia finds out about Miranda it would crush her, I mean its bound to come out, why don't you just break it off with Miranda? "

"That's the reason, some way, I know for a fact Miranda will find out and she'll ruin everything. "

"Matt, I mean come on, have some common sense. Wouldn't you rather just end things and cut off all ties with Miranda besides carrying this--this mess you have. I don't see how you can sleep with this on your conscience," Ryan said, then hit the blunt.

"I just don't know what to do."

"Break it off!!!" Ryan yelled. "What's so fucking hard about that?!! You obviously have feelings for Miranda if, its that hard to break up with her."

I laughed.

"Feelings for Miranda? She's the only hope I have of getting laid."

Was this guy crazy?

"Woooow", Ryan laughed "Do you love Chaynia? "

I swallowed.


"Impossible. "

"How so?"

"Cause if you really loved Chaynia, getting laid wouldn't matter, you'd break things off with Miranda, and you'd stop this cheating-- on both of them."

I sat there and shook my head. I don't know why I couldn't get myself to break it off with Miranda. It was as if something was holding me back and I couldn't break away from it. But all I.know I was neck deep in shit. There was no getting out of, even if I did break up with Miranda, the guilt would eat away at my insides even more. Knowing what I did and not telling Chaynia, it makes me cringe thinking about the hurt she would feel.

"You need to get this mess together," Ryan said as he laid his hand on my shoulder then he put on his jacket and left.

Getting this mess together was not going to be easy at all


A/N: So this was a quick little filler chapter, sorry for it being so short. I've been too busy playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and holy freaking guacamole, that game is fucking annoying, but yet addictive. So I'm very sorry and I promise, every chapter after from now on is gonna have your emotions changing, like Michigan weather. Okay, enough rambling. Enjoy the rest of my story. Vote. Comment. And spread the word about Can't Get Enough-- the title is so perfect I swear.

Can't Get Enough (Interracial/BWWM) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now