17. No Air

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-Chaynia's POV

Chaynia what the fuck is wrong with you? Quit crying over a no good ass nigga. This is not you.

That's what my conscience told me everyday I woke up. Some days I didn't want to wake up,  because I knew the pain that I was going to feel throughout the day. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't focus in school. I hadn't been in school for two days because I was too depressed to get out of bed. I couldn't be around Matthew at all, all those emotions that I had bottled inside me would explode and I was vulnerable to doing something to him.
How could someone who so called loved you so much do some shit like that to you?  How could he walk around knowing that he had that on his conscious everyday for five months,  that he was cheating.  Fucking that bitch and coming to me as if nothing happened. I just couldn't understand that at all.

He would never understand how bad that he hurt me. No one could understand how bad I was hurt. I was down for that boy, he meant everything to me. EVERYTHING. For him to do some dirty, grimey shit like that to me, I had no respect for him.

"Chaynia, " someone called as they opened the door, I got from under the covers to look and it was Yessica.

Huuuuh, not today Yessica.

I went back under the covers because I did not want her to see my ass like this. I looked like a fucking mess.

"Bae, come on," she said and pulled the covers off of me.

"Chaynia," she said amd wiped some tears off of my face.  I got so used to crying that I didn't even know that I was crying.

"Chay, you been like this for two weeks now. Have you even looked at your phone? I tried calling you before I came over here, I got the homework that you missed boo," she said as she pushed the hair off of my face.


I really didn't feel like being bothered. I didn't look at my phone ever since the day I found out that Matthew cheated on me. I had no use for it anymore.

"Come on sit up Chaynia," Yessica demanded me. I was gone do it just so I could get her put of my room so I could keep crying.

I sat up. That's when I felt Yessica put my hair in a ponytail and she grabbed my hand making me stand up. Wht the fuck was this crazy girl doing?

"Lick your lips and eat this," she said giving me a stick of gum.

What was this girl doing to me?

"Yessica what are you doing? "

"You'll see boo, now come with me," ahe said and escorted. me out of my room

"I'm taking Chaynia out!" she yelled to whoever heard it and took me outside to her car.

I closed my eyes cause Yessica was pushing my buttons and because I was scared to go with Yessica because she was crazy as hell and it wasn't no telling what she was about to do or take me, but something was telling me that it was about to be something that was going to piss me off.

"Where are we going?" I asked cause now I was getting pisses off even more.

"Put on your seatbelt,  I don't want my precious cargo to get hurt," Yessica said as she started the car.

I guess that she was just gone ignore my fucking question like that. I closed my eyes because I was annoyed and some how some way I ended up going to sleep, but it was a short nap cause five minutes later Yessica was waking me up.

"We're here, chica," Yessica sang.

I almost shit bricks in this girl car. This girl had me all fucked up. Out of all places she had the. nerve to bring me here,  I was better off with her driving her car into the damned Detroit River. She had no fucking right in her righteous mind to bring me here out of all places. I was about to let this girl have it.

"Yessica , why would you fucking take me to this bitch house mane?!?!?!? I swear to god I'm never trusting you again.  You have no place bringing me here and I'm trying to heal!!!!"

She rolled her eyes. If she rolled them again they was gone be in the back of her head. She had no fucking right bringing me to Matthew house. I swear to fucking god I was going to be in jail for a double murder today.

"Chaynia, two weeks of crying and shutting people out isn't healing babe,  I know you're mad at me but I promise you'll thank me later for this. Please babe, do this for me, I'm tired of Matthew texting me, and pestering me in school telling me to tell you sorry, he's annoying the fuck out of me, I'm gonna end up killing him, but please do this for me and especially yourself,  I'm tired of seeing you this way, you're a beautiful girl Chaynia, " Yessica pleaded with me and did those puppy eyes with her big brown eyes.

I couldn't resist it. I hated her ass right now, but this was my down bitch. A part of me knew that her ass was right..But a part of me knew that if I was to be in the same place as Matthew that I was going to kill him..But if I killed him it was going to be for a damned good reason.  He played with my emotions, but I knew that he never lied about loving me. I know that I sounded dumb, but shit when you're in love your heart makes you do the dumbest shit. I was going to do this, I was going to restrain myself from killing his ass just for Yessica,  but I was going to talk to him, just for me.

"Alright,  Yessica.  I'll do it," I said, I didn't even get enough time to brave for the big ass bear hug Yessica had gave me.

"Oh, thank you Chay Chay!!!!!" Yessica yelled in my ear cause she was about happy then a bitch.

"But you're knocking on the door, " I said as I.pulled away from her.

"Anything for you Chay!!!"

I took a deep breath,  here I go.

Can't Get Enough (Interracial/BWWM) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now