T.A.E..!! Part 50

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I am truly sorry, I appreciate that you guys have been waiting. Hopefully my book is still in your libraries.. I've been pretty busy for a while. But I'm managing to write what I can for you guys.. Also I'm working on two more other books , be on the look out once this book is completely finished. But Ima write two extra chappies for my make ups and a sneek peak of the third. Enjoy.!! 😘

Wiz's Pov

I miss my bestfriend like crazy , I wonder what she up too but I got my own problems to worry about.

'So when you gone tell them.!'

'Soon enough.'

'If you don't say nothing, how are you willing to get help and finally come out. '

'Look, Ima tell them when I'm comfortable okay. Now is not the time '

'When is the time Wizmon.!' '??' Said calling me by full name.

'I dont fucking know, alright. Give me time.'

'You got until the end of this week.'

'That's tomorrow.'

'Exactly. '

'I cant , I'm not ready too.'

'Wizmon, I know it's hard to face. But you have to say something.' '??' Said rubbing my back..

'I know, I know, I'll figure it out .'

Ty's POV

'Have anybody talked to Wiz lately. ?'

'I have, but that was like two weeks ago. Ever since then I haven't talked or heard from him.' Brey said

'I tried calling and texting him , but he never returned my calls or messages.' Shy said

'This not like him. Call once more and leave a voicemail.' I said dialing his number.

'This Wizzy, I'm out fucking bitches and getting money, leave a message.'

I laughed a lil. 'Aye man, this Ty. You haven't been answering any of our calls or messages in a while. We worried bout you-'


I chuckled.

'See, Shy going crazy man. Give us a call or something when you get this.

Man this is crazy.

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