T.A.E...Part 12

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Shy's Pov

I got into Brey car, yeah I took his keys... But I was going to find my daughter.. I didn't tell Brey because all he'll do is hold me back..I think I know exactly where they went..but not exactly tho..I made sure the gun that he always keeps in here, is on the side if the seat...

I pulled up to my mom's boyfriend house ..I seen an unfamiliar truck in the drive way.. so I parked across the street..

Before I got out, I grabbed the gun from the side of the seat , and stuffed it in my back of my pants pocket..

I brushed my hair with my fingers, puffed it out a little and put on my pink and blue beanie.. I got the car and walked towards his house..I gulped down the spit that I held in my mouth...

As I stood on the porch.. I knocked and some one instantly said who is it..

'Ja'Yanna ..'

'Who the fuck is you.. '

'From across the street..I haven't came out the house in a while ..I just wanna meet new people, so can you let me in..?"

"Alr, give me a second.."

I heard whispering so I got closer to the door and put my ear against it..

"Kanity, tell your mother to go upstairs, with you now.."

"I don't want to.. "

*slap* I heard my baby girl scream in pain..gosh I can't wait to get her outta there.. Later, I hear the door unlock so I quickly stepped back..

"Alr, wassup.. "

"Umm, can I come in..please "

"Yeah, whatever .. do you smoke, drink, or what..."

"Yeah, I drink a little..you got volka ..?"

"What ever you need baby girl I got it.."

" Where's the bathroom..?"

"Go use yo bathroom cross the street.. "

"I can't, I'm not gone make it.." I said rocking and shaking to let him know I gotta go but I really don't..I just wanna get Kanity that's all...

" Upstairs, down the hall to yo right.. but Aye you look familiar.. "

"No, no, no I don't.. "

I ran upstairs before he could see my face clearly cause he might remember me.. I hurried and checked every room to find my baby.. but she's nowhere in sight..I wanted to check the basement before I leave...

I ran downstairs, and saw he was still in the kitchen.. the basement was right before it..As he was reaching for something in the cabinet, the cabinet door was hiding his side view...so he didn't see me run down there...

As I got closer down the stairs, I heard two voices... it sounds like it was my mom n Kanity ..I peeked under the bar.. to see mom sitting in a chair facing the other way.. and Kanity facing her.. it looks like she's been crying..

' I wanna go home to my mommy.. right now.."

"Look, here little ugly ass shit face... your not going home till I say so..do you understand.."

"Yes.. " she cried even harder until my mom slapped her twice and shooked her senseless...

"Keep your motherfucking hands off my daughter.."

"Mommy!!! "

" Daeshynia .? Wha-where did you come from.."

" Dont worry about it, look give me my child and the won't be a problem ok... "

"Your not getting her, I take care of her.. so get the fuck out.."

" No, I'm not leaving without her..you have to choices..

do you wanna die or live..pick one "

"I'm nit picking neither , cause either way, she's not leaving.. "

I pulled out my gun, and aimed it at her..

"Now, hand over my child.. and you wont get hurt.. "


Brey's Pov

I'm really worried, Shy hasn't returned yet...and it's been more than 2 hours... I called her phone plenty of times but no answers.. if she's dead, I don't know what to do...

"Aye, have y'all heard anything bout Shy yet.."

"Nah, I don't really care bout the bitch.. she fucking irri... " Destiny said

"Look, just because she ain't doesn't mean talk shit bout her.. if she was hear.. she would've been beat yo ass in 1.1 seconds.. so shut that shit up fr.. "

"Aye, man chill out.. don't talk to my girl like that.. "

"Nigga then tell her to shut her fucking mouth and we won't have problems.. so get the sucking off my dick cause I ain't gay.. "

"Chill with all that gay shit, fr.. " Chris said stepping closer..only off one inch above my head...

"Nigga , you betta step the fuck outta my face ..cause trust and believe I ain't scarced .."

"Man, sit yo lil ass down.."

He said while pushing me..

I pushed him back with stronger force making him stumbling..Next thing you know we throwing punches at each other..I admit he gotta few punches in but I was beating his ass...Later, we still fighting until Wiz came and broke us up...

Shy's Pov

"Ma, please just give me my daughter cause I don't wanna hurt you and regret it.." I said with tears streaming down my cheeks..

"No, we do not have to go through this, if you didn't leave it.. "

"All I ever wanted to do after I got out jail was to hold and love my little girl.. but you took her from me.." I said through greeted teeth

"What were you going to do, when you got out..right nothing, you don't have any money, job, anything to take care of her.. so why start now.."

"Ma, you never gave me a chance to try what I can do for Kanity.. all you cared was you, money, and stupid bitch ass boyfriend..you never gave two shits about me.. did you.? " I say still aiming the gun at her

"Daeshynia you know I raised you better than that.."

"You still didn't answer my damn question...did you or did you not.. "

"I've lost everything cause of you..if your bitch ass father would've stepped up to be a man he say he is.. we wouldn't b-"

"Just- just shut the HELL UP.. " I yelled and it made me shoot the gun

"Your an sorry ass excuse of a mother.. I knew you never cared about me did you..it's not my fault you couldn't keep your legs closed.. and I didn't turn out the way you wanted me..cause I know for damn sure..two laid down and three got up.."

After I said that.. her boyfriend came downstairs with a confused look on his face..

"What the Fuck is going on ..?" he asked

"Oh nothing..just a game.called Revenge, you can sit and watch if you want it's free.." I say while shooting his foot and watched him yell in pain..

I turned around and shot my mother in her left shoulder, grabbed Kanity and went back to Chris house where the boys were ..To tell the truth I really didn't have the guts to kill my mother because she's all I have.. but her boyfriend I would love to kill him fashoo.. but I didn't, I just wanted to let him know I wasn't afraid anymore.. the old me is dead...

I hope you guys liked it . I tried my best...

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