T.A.E.!! Part 43

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Shy's Pov

He really jus made me made like fr .    I made it up to the guess room , well my room . and jus sat on the bed . I really do miss my baby , I really do .. A lot of shit happen to me these passed weeks . I'm jus afraid of what might happen next , I don't wanna lose anybody else .

     I jus wanna be alone for a day or two to clear my mind and clean myself but seems like I can't have that due to the many niggahs in the house .    

*knock knock .

'Whatttttt.!!!" I yelled on frustration.

'Its me ,can we jus talk with out arguing or throw plates .please '

I laughed to myself bout the plate incident , that was really outta proportion . 

'2 minutes !'  I yelled

'Can I come in. ?'

'Yup , sit on the floor in the corner facing the wall. ' I said while he's coming in .

'Really, Shy I'm fucking 19 and you telling me to sit in the corner facing the wall. ?'

'1 minute . your wasting time !' I said

'Alr, whatever look why yo ass gottah acted difficult with me. !'

'For one I'm not acting difficult its jus the way I am , it took me a lot of courage to even sit let alone sleep in a house with complete strangers , mind you I am the only girl and its tough enough with jus niggahs all up and through here .. I already failed as a mother ,  moms dead , pops dying he got freaking cancer . , no family , nothing. All I had was Kanity ,and the bitch Destiny  took her from me . How do y-you think that makes me f-feel , with no one . That's jus half of it and I'm the one acting difficult, oh okay.' I said sniffling .

'Bab-'       I cut Brey short with my hand in the air

'Let me finish ., I've been nothing but good to you and you jus adding more shit to my problems , I don't need anymore on my plate . I've may be in and out of jail my whole life but I'm still soft as a bitch  , yeah I defend myself purposely but not in the way I'm suppose to, try me if you want . I feel b-beat down enough , I thought once I get out of jail , I would see the most perfect family I had years ago . but nooo I have to walk into a dirty ass home , and see my daughter , 8 years at that   .8 FUCKING YEARS OLD .!' raped by a disgusted low life bastard my moms had around . !' I said bouncing my leg up and down ..

'I found myself knocked out , they gone .! No where to be found . and its heartbreaking I still haven't seen my pops , he's probably dead. Like the rest of em .!'  I said calming down and soaking into my own tears .

'I'ma failure  , everyone knows it and I have no one .!' I said once laying down and bawling into a ball.

'Shy .!' Brey said walking over to me .

'Atleast you still have us , no matter what . we may not be the perfect dream family you wanted . but we got'chu and you got us no doubt . ' Brey said craddling me in his arms .

'Not to be mean ,but I want my family , dont get me wrong ,y'all cool niggahs  I want mines .!'

'I get it , I mean we could have a family but the way you set up.' he said smiling

I smiled , then looked down .

'Why wont you let a niggah in . '

'I'm afraid , I might loose you next .!'

'Ma, I ain't going no where .!'

'Yeah yeah , that's what they all say , and ends up dying or leaving anyway , I don't want a repeat . '

'Trust me , I promise you not .'

'Promise. ?'.  I asked questionably

'Yes Shy .' he said letting out a chuckle .

'Okay .'

'Soooooooo what are we .?'

'I'm your boyfriend and your my girlfriend .!' I said laughing .

'Really , that's the other way around .'

'Nah , I think its right . now get yo ass up and make me my damn ,you made me waste on yo ugly ass face .'

'This face ain't that damn ugly , if you with me and that's yo fault.!'

'Shut up . I'll do it myself , don't ask foe  nun bum .' I said pushing his head , bumping it on the wall purposely ..

   I started running downstairs ..

'HELLLPPP..!!!' I yelled through the house .

'What's wrong best friend .?' Wiz asked .

'Accident happened.?' I said shrugging my shoulders .

'What happ-' Wiz was going to ask but Brey cutting him short .

'Shy, bring yo ass .!' He said. Charging at me .

I stood my ground and didn't move. Once he made it towards me , he tackles me to the floor and started tickling me .

'Brey moveeee-va .! ' I said while laughing .

'Niggah , you made hit my head ..hell nah !' He said still tickling me ..

'Stoppppp-pa , best frienddddddd.  Hahahaha hee  .!' I yelled

'Yo fault , he said walking into the kitchen..

    'Realllllyyyy .!' I said still laughing ...

'Yesssssss ' he said mocking me

'Dumb niggah .!' I said

   'What you say. ?' Wiz said coming back

'I ain't say nothing ahh-haha.!' I replied while squirming trying to get away from Brey .

'My niggah, watch out .!' He said towards Brey ..

'No , no ,no ! I'm sorry . !' I yelled trying to run when Brey got up ..

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