T.A.E... Part 5

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Daeshynia's Pov

I woke up, eyes blurry and shit....I seen Chris layn at the side of the couch I was layn on. Brey amd Ty was wrapped up, like they was gay...Ty had his legs spreaded out and Brey was inbewteen em and had his arms round Ty...I knew they was some gay ass niqqas lol...I pulled out my phone and took a pic of em..And Wiz he passed out halfway on the table and floor..like wtf...

I got up and looked for the bathroom cuz yo girl had to piss, fr...I went upstairs and I seen a light on down the hall..I walked down there and it was the bathroom...I walked in and did wateva but there was only one piece of sqaure of tissue tf...What type of niqqa dont got tissue...ugh but at least it was enough for me...

5 mins I was done and when I walked I smelled some bacon, and blueberry pancakes...I followed the smell and it led to the kitchen, I walked in and seen Brey cooking...

"Ayee so lil man can cook.."

I laughed

"Dont ever do that shit again, lol and hell yo boy can cook..is there a prob..?"(stiring cake batter)

"Yes, there is..."

"And what is that ?"


I walked slowly towards him...

"What tf you mean me..?"

"No reason..,"

I say, while standing on my tippy-toes and kissed his neck..

"Look, here lil mama dont start something , what you cant finish.."

"Oh, I can finish..

(I said, before grabbing his dick through his pants) oops, my hand slipped..!"

I walked away. and grabbed a pancake off a plate, and sat down at the stood..across from him...

"Come here..!"

I moved closer..


"Closer lil mama."

I got. loser..

"Wassup, Im closer na..."

Brey leaned in and kissed me..I moaned and smiled into the kiss, he stopped and walked around towards me...and continue to kiss me,, he wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck..He deepen the kiss, and pushed his tongue into my mouth...He gently laid me back on the counter(she still in the chair lol) We started touching and shit...


I studdered between kisses..


He answered...

"It feels like (kiss) somebody watching us .."

He stopped and said..

"So, lets give em show to watch.."

He kissed my neck and he found my sweet spot which caused me to moan... Aww shit Im getting wet, I gotta stop cuz I'ont kno this niqqa...

"Alr, cut that kissy-kissy moo-moo dokey shit out.."

Wiz said coming into the kitchen..

"Man, dawq you always fucking shit up, I was feeling lil mama.."

Brey said, winking at me...

Oh, lord he got me feeling some type of way..

"Welp, its to early in the morning fo all that shit, epsecially when you bout to eat.." Wiz said, while grabbing a plate..

"Fat ass niqqa.." I say while shaking my head....

"Shut yo goofy skittle ass head up..you was playn the kissing game and shit wit Brey.."

"Wassup wit all this kissing shit I her wit Brey and Shy?" Ty said walking in wit Chris...

"Nothing,.." Brey and I said"

"Naw, naw they was playn ducky smoochies niqqa.." Wiz said

"Oh, damn. continue I wanna see.."

Chris Said

"Oh, well you late cuz we aint doin it again...till later on.." Brey said

I laughed cuz the thought Brey and Ty

"I aint kissing no mre gay niqqas.."

"Who Gay..?" they all said lookung at me

"Brey n Ty.."

"What.?" Brey n Ty said

I pulled out my phone n showed em the pic.. every one was dieing of laughter...Ty n Brey didnt think it was funny..

Lol, we all sat and ate breakfast...cracked jokes or wateva and had fun for a few minutes...These niqqas crazy....

Ctfuu,, Brey N Ty gay...not litterally

Whats going between Shy n Brey..?

Read and Find out...

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