Chapter 23

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Walking Through the Time Capsule

Chapter 23




Santa Monica Pier was pretty crowded, but not as crowded as I imagined it would be. That was probably because the school year had just started, so all the family's and kids were nowhere in sight. It was mostly young adults and elderly people. I wasn't complaining. It was nice to have some breathing room in whats normally a heavily populated, tourist area.

"Liam said they are all near the entrance to the Pacific Park." Harry relayed to me. We were currently at the top of the road, making our way down the path that brings us to the boardwalk. "So keep an eye out for them."

Earlier this morning, Liam had called us and said that the plan was to meet at the Pier at ten. So here we were, trying to find them in this mass of people. I kept asking him a million times if Annabelle had retracted her offer of me being around, or if she changed her mind. He insisted that wasn't the case, but that didn't ease my worries. I felt so nervous for some reason. It was like a twisted version of meeting a girl you like for the first time. I was anxious and felt sick to my stomach.

"I see them!" He cheered as he started to drag me to where he saw them. It only took a second before my eyes found Annabelle's. Something flashed in her eyes when she saw me, but I couldn't decipher if it was good or bad.

"Niall!" Zayn exclaimed as he threw his arms around me.

Eleanor followed suit, and before I knew it, I was in a giant group hug. With everyone except Annabelle. "It's good to finally see you in public with all of us again." Melanie said genuinely.

"Yeah." I choked out, finding Annabelle's curious eyes again.

After everyone said their hello's to me and Harry, we tried to figure out if we should split up like we'd been doing for crowd control, or if we all wanted to stay together.

"How about we split up to explore the Pier, and maybe up the street to the 3rd Street Promenade, and then we can all meet up for lunch and hang out by the shore together for the evening?" Melanie suggested, clearly just wanting to go shopping up the street.

"That sounds like a good idea." Harry nodded in agreement.

I stood there awkwardly while some of my friends immediately paired up. Eleanor and Louis linked up and walked off without a second thought, and Zayn shyly grabbed Melanie by the hand, leading her away. It was only my friends, and Annabelle, so I don't know why I felt so uncomfortable. The remaining four of us stood there. 

Assuming Annabelle would take off with Harry, I turned to Liam to say I'd go with him. However, Annabelle's timid voice caught me, and everyone else probably, way off guard.

"Niall, will you tag along with me?"

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, and met my wide eyes with Harry's. He encouragingly nodded at me.

"I, uh, yeah. Sure." I offered a tight smile.

Harry nudged me, smiling happily at me, and mouthed, 'good start', before he walked away with Liam.

Annabelle started heading towards the game area, and I timidly fell into step with her. She was oblivious to the rest of the world as she took in her surroundings in awe.


"If you could visit one place right now, if we could just go anywhere for a few hours, what's one famous area you'd want to visit?" I casually asked her as she rested her head in my lap.

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