A quick(ish) A/N

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So I haven't been updating this book for a while (namely three months), and I have a few things I'd like to just say to you guys...

All of your comments, votes and general support have meant the world to me, you all inspire me to write and write and stick at it!

I can confirm I have not been spending the holidays snoozing (okay maybe a little), and I have been writing my little heart out until my eyes hurt (when I should really have been working XD), and I finally have some chapters lined up to upload!

This, I can almost definitely promise, will be my last Author's Note.

So I've basically spent all this time editing and rewriting the chapters I'm gonna upload, and I can say that I now have 62 deleted chapters and a tonne of edits, which makes me genuinely happy. I completely switched ideas three times, so it doesn't really surprise me, I want to keep improving my writing XD

So without further ado, I'm gonna publish some chapters!

But some quick mentions are very much due;

Big thanks to Frozenpurpleflowers- I couldn't have gotten this far without your undying support and general loveliness, and I love you to the stars and back sis.

Thanks to banakisisame- You're an epic bro, and your COD sessions are what have kept me sane with work and writing. Now, if only you'd update your books...just kidding XD

Thanks to harpist29 and frozen_love_cousins- You two are the sweetest cousins ever! I'm so glad that my book has inspired you into getting into God Eater, and your comments always make me laugh.

To HereuxChristianity- Talking to you about the pains of writing has been fun XD But seriously, you should keep writing the God Eater book, don't let Wattpad get the better of a good author, okay?

And a BIG thanks to Snow-Rose23, who wrote a very funny God Eater story with Dawn herself in that I enjoyed reading a LOT. You are literally so awesome ^-^

Then there's all the readers, the voters, the commenters and the people who sent lovely messages that I need to thank. So uh...THANK YOU!

Finally to my friends and family outside of Wattpad who have made me who I am today. Thank you for always being there for me, I know I'm not an easy person to live with.

Oh, and if you guys want to tell me that a chapter makes no sense, go ahead and I'll rewrite it again XD

Geez now I'm getting nervous about publishing stuff. I'm no good at these things...;-;

This marks a year of writing this book, thanks for sticking around.


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