Chapter 15: Wolf cries and shadow hands

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To Kizuna-no-canvas who got first comment and taught me a new word. Tsundere is what makes Soma so cool.

Lupa's POV

I awoke to the sound of an alarm clock buzzing in my ear, and I was momentarily dazed, unable to work out where I was.

Then I felt the silky duvet surrounding me and the fluffy pillow beneath my head. I grinned. Best nights sleep. EVER.

But wait....I fell asleep on the couch, didn't I? On the couch was my book, carefully bookmarked at the page I was on. But I fell asleep reading again.


"Ah well, whatever."

I hopped off my bed with a huge yawn. Well, better be going to work.

I placed my hand on the doornob, about to open the door, when I sensed another presence in the room. I froze, hardly daring to breathe, as I listened.

The breaths were slow and shallow, as though the person was exhausted. They sounded so...familiar.

I turned around slowly, as quietly as possible, to see a trail of blood across the floor. How could I not have noticed it earlier?

Stupid sleep-riddled mind.

I followed the trail of blood to the couch, sick at what I saw. I screamed.

Silver-black fur was matted with blood, the wolfs body was torn through a thousand different places, so that his body was barely recognisable.

The shadows reached out to me, claws grabbing my skin, enveloping my skin, tearing me away from him.

"Shut up Lupa." His voice rumbled. "I'm trying to sleep."

I awoke with a start, and felt someone shaking my shoulders. I was drenched with sweat and had fallen off the couch with my struggles.

My head snapped up to the owner of the voice. To my relief, I saw Soma's annoyed- but concerned -face. So Soma was the one who had spoken in the dream, not....him.

"...You okay?" he started, looking me over. "You were screaming real loud."

"I'm fine. It was just...a nightmare." I replied. I looked around the room, making sure there was no remnants of the dream lurking in the shadows.

I checked my watch with a groan. 2:00am. "You should probably go."

Soma's POV

I hadn't been able to sleep a wink, so I was listening to music when I heard the first scream.

The noise poured through my wall and made me jump.

What the hell is going on in there?

I was pretty irritated, and slammed open my door, charging over to Lupa's bedroom. I checked the handle. She had left her room unlocked. My conscience was playing with me. This could be seen as indecent...

I shook my head. She could be being attacked in there, it was more important to get to her.

I opened the door and walked in. No murder scene, or violence. But she wasn't in bed.

I then spotted her lying on her sofa, eyes wide open in terror. There was no visible threat though...

Unless she was having a nightmare.

I walked in front of her and waved my hand in front of her face. No response. I reached my hand out. I paused. God this feels wierd.

Shaking off the awkward feeling, I grabbed her shoulder and gently shook it. No response.

I frowned. I grabbed her other shoulder and tried to wake her up again.

Her eyes widened and she began to panic. She thrashed around in my arms as though her life depended on it, screaming desperately. She tumbled onto the floor, and I clutched her shoulders again, worried she would hurt herself.

Wait, not worried. I couldn't care less.

"Shut up Lupa." I growled, "I'm trying to sleep."

She finally seemed to come to her senses. She stared at me in shock, eyes huge, before whipping her head round the room, as though afraid that her dream was seeping through into reality.

I watched her closely. What could her dream have been to bring her such panic, such fear?

Maybe the dreams that haunt me, the ones so bad that I fear sleep.

I was vaguely aware of asking her if she was okay, and her giving me another blatant lie that she was fine, before she asked, or rather told, me to leave.

I sat down opposite her on a sofa, earning a raised eyebrow from her. "It's not like you're going to sleep now after a nightmare, right?" I reasoned.

She smiled a little before sitting down again, picking her ipod up off her table. We spent the rest of the morning sat in a comfortable silence. She didn't ask why I came in, I didn't ask what her dream was. She would tell me if she was ready.

Lupa's POV

I was grateful for the quiet. It gave me room to think about the dream. The wolf, the hands reaching through the darkness... had it been him? Angels didn't dream often, except when having visions, so it seemed likely.

But...that was impossible...right? I contemplated this whilst listening to my music, willing my brain to tell me the answer.

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