Explanations- I was not hyper

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Hey everyone out there!

Please don't kill me...I like writing author's notes...gomenasai...entschuldigung...je suis desolée...um, sorry...

I was a little down at the time during these tedious chapters 21-30, because I wrote them once, then decided I didn't like the storyline and had to rewrite them.

However, I just experienced having to rewrite an epilogue 6 times, so this just feels normal...

Anyway, that's why I became hopeless about unicorns. And I wrote about Rise of the guardians and Frozen.

Me: I can't believe I wrote a chapter on Frozen. In God Eater.

Sakuya: You don't like Frozen?

Me: Nope.

Lupa: She just wanted to call Soma names. Right Mr Frosty Ice Queen?


Oh yeah, another wierd thing about me. I make jokes by accident without realising it.

Take the other day, for example.

I was at a camp, and we were spending the day out at a theme park. We were waiting for a superhero ride impatiently, and it started to rain.

Whilst everyone complained, I decided to make the most of it. "I like the rain. It adds to the atmosphere."

My group leader in front of me began to laugh. I stared blankly. "Oh!" realisation is sweet, like lemonade gone flat. "I get it! Because rain comes from the atmosphere and stuff, and the rain is really atmospheric."

Awkward silence.

So...relevant because?

Remember the bit where Lupa was saying, oh yeah, Soma has white hair... kinda thut. That was me. And I was the one making the joke.

I'm hopeless.

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed the randomness. It kinda happens every now and again.

In this case because the ending came too suddenly last time. I was gonna end it at chapter 33 at the time.

Let's just say I've written a lot more than that!

Soma's being mean again. Wonder why? Maybe the teasing has become too much...

Lupa: You do look like Jack Frost, except meaner -_-

Me: He's like Jack Frost, with an emphasis on the FROST.

Soma: (Throws snowflakes into the sky) We don't own God Eater, Rise of the guardians or Frozen.

Leanne: Frozen, where?!

Sakuya: I smell a movie marathon coming.

(Run off fangirling)

Me: Heh...this got way more views than the last chapter....maybe I should rename all my author's notes wierd names...(starts laughing evily)

Soma: Confirmation. She wrote these chapters with no addition of sugar...somehow.

Zephyr:...Vote, comment and add to your library if you can be bothered. I don't really care.

Me: Just another tsundere. But Zephy is cooler *^*

Vashyron: Sadly he's taken.

Leanne: Wait, he is?! By who??? O.O

Zephyr:...*puts on cool shades* Bye.

God Eater: Shattered DawnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora