Chapter 41: Arguments

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4.97K? Wuuuuuut? That's almost half ten thousand! That's crazy.

What's this? An update you say? I thought they had gone extinct.

This chappie is in a storyline still in progress, so it may be rewritten. Probably not. Hopefully.

Btw the pic is of a character introduced this chapter except...well, you'll see.

Lupa's POV

"3,000,000fc?! What kind of egit would buy a sword for that much?!"

"Well how was I supposed to know?!"

"How could you not know?!"

I cringed at the amount of attention Soma was attracting, just giving me a total earful as I stood there helplessly waiting for the elevator to arrive.

Leaning my head against the cool metal of the door, I let out a long sigh. Don't get angry at him. "The thing is, Soma, that I have 500,000,000fc in my account."

That shut him up.

A soft 'ping!' was followed by the opening of doors as the elevator arrived.

"No one has that kind of money." Soma muttered, though I could hear his uncertainty. "That's impossible."

"I don't spend money." I felt irritation washing over me. It's not my fault. "And I earn a lot of money from your father, same as you."

"I told you not to trust him!" Soma snarled, anger flaring back up again. "Getting close to us is only ever going to hurt-"

"Not interrupting, am I?" Someone politely coughed from behind me. I quickly moved to let Aria and Kanon past, who linked arms with me, leaving Soma behind in his little moody tantrum.

"Thanks." I whispered to Kanon, who smiled back, heading over to where Licca was flopping on a sofa, talking to Brendan and another boy who was sat opposite her.

"Hey there." She winked at me from her semi-upside down position.

"Hi Licca, Brendan." My attention was latched onto the unnamed boy, who was sat staring into a mug of hot chocolate, hands clutching the warmth tight.

At least he has good taste in drinks.

"Oh. This is Neo, by the way." She quickly introduced us. Neo didn't say anything, barely acknowledging us. "He just joined maintenance."

His face was masked in the messy brown hair hanging over his eyes, a baggy gray hoodie and jeans revealing even less about his personality. Shy maybe?

"Hi Neo." I leant forward to hold out my hand for him to shake, causing his head to whip up momentarily.

Sparks erupted at the corners of my vision, bright colours weaving and merging around me as my surroundings broke into tiny diamond shards that floated away...

"Lupa?" His eyelids closed on those blue and golden flecked orbs, hair falling over his eyes as he lost himself in the pool of chocolate once more. "Lupa, what's up?"

As soon as we had broken eye contact, my vision returned to normal. Did I imagine it? "It's nothing."

Aria shrugged before going back to discussing with Licca her idea of how to rebuild the train system. I wanted to listen, but I couldn't concentrate.

"Golden flecked eyes." Tiny teardrops spilled over a pathway etched in gold, pooling upon the page in my notebook due to the tapping of my pen as I thought.

Angels, demons and humans. The three realms connected to each other by their fates.

Angels believe in order, obedience and an equal society. However, because they use extreme force to bring this order, their own realm is corrupted, full of harm and abuse as the likes I experienced.

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