Chapter 37: A tragic death

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15 minutes to midnight on a Sunday evening. It's still a weekly update where I live :)

Lupa's POV

I was surprised to find Soma standing outside, leant against the wall. Waiting for his beating. However, I was too pissed off to care.

Marching up to him, I stood in front of him, arms crossed huffily.

"Soma." He avoided meeting my eyes, staring at his feet. Rude. Right, that's it.

(Cue awesome RWBY music)

A huge crash turned all nearby people to either watching me incredulously or just running in fear. Looking back on it, I don't blame them.

Plaster rained down by Soma's face from a huge hole in the wall, my fist planted exactly 1.35mm from his skin. I glared menacingly at him as he stood still in shock.

I gave him the look.

He promptly collapsed to the floor, DEAD.

Screams began to sound around me, alarms blaring in my ears as I scowled at Soma's dead body.

"Watch out, she's a psychopath..."

"She murdered Soma?!"

"With her eyes? Like seriously, WTF?"

And that was the end of Soma Shicksal.





The end.






...What, you still here?




...Okay fine. I didn't kill him. But next time, I will.

I swear.

"It's not your fault." I said, shrugging as I leant next to Soma on the decimated wall. "I forgot to lock my door."

He looked surprised and relieved at my sudden change in mood. Then his face reddened, which he hid in his hood. "I still shouldn't have come in without knocking."

I smiled awkwardly, weaving some magic to fix the wall. "Doesn't matter. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." He nodded, greatful for the forgiveness. Wow I was generous.

"We can see Sakuya now." He informed me, so we hurried to the hospital. Lindow was sat beside her bed, leant over Sakuya, brooding.

She looked much better, though she was still fast asleep.

I smiled as I sat down beside the bed. Sakuya was a fighter, she would be up and running in no time at all.

Soma ruffled my hair as he joined me, to which I complained.

"Dude, it's only cool when I do it." I advised, shoving him lightly on the arm. He gave a soft chuckle as I sorted my hair out again.

Sakuya would love seeing Soma so happy.

My smile wavered as Aria arrived, scowling at us before sitting beside Lindow.

She just remained silent, glaring like murder while we awkwardly tried to start up conversation again, coughing and elbowing Lindow to stop his pestering. "So...giant corn, huh?"

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