Chapter 6: My Sanctuary

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A/n I can finally upload videos and pictures! So happy. This is Sanctuary by Utada Hikari from the game series Kingdom Hearts btw.

Soma's POV

It was three weeks and two days before they were satisfied with their work, not that I was counting.

Over that period of time, I worked with fellow God Eaters, the people who had been able to undergo a safe transformation to use god arcs, thanks to my previous occupation.

Of course, my strength as a half aragami was still in a league of its own.

I went on around 12 missons in squads of 2-4 people. Of those twelve, there were only two that the whole team actually came back alive from. The other 10? I came back alone.

I was really earning myself a bad reputation in the branch. More people were starting to put the term 'Death God' to my name.

And the scary thing was, I was beginning to believe them.

The last 2 missions I had taken with Lindow and Sakuya, who were the only ones capable of handling themselves. Not that they didn't still get in my way.

Lindow was typically annoying, teasing me half of the time, whilst Sakuya was too sweet for her own good. But they were the only ones who actually treated me vaguely human.

I could still remember my first ever mission, before I became an official God Eater, before I met Lupa. I had spent the mission with Lindow and his sister Tsubaki. Hm. Well Tsubaki treated me like dirt. She treated everyone like dirt.

I was not permitted access to my god damned father's lab, not that I cared anyway. There was no way in hell I was going back there. But Lupa...I had no idea what they were doing to her in there, and it chilled me to the bone. The cold feeling rising up within my chest was worse than the frosty snow on that fateful day.

I had no choice but to spend my days working as a God Eater, but it wasn't all bad. I had my own room, for starters. My simple room quickly became My Sanctuary, a place to escape the fears and lies of the outside world and the first place I ever had to call my own.

The first thing I bought with money earned in missions was an ipod (On reccomendation by Lindow, not that I listen to him) and I discovered the beauty of music.

After taking on missions, I would curl up on the bed, absorbing myself in the music I played through my headphones. Lost in my Own little world, I could dissappear into the stream of music, with no one to disturb me; no need to justify.

Hell, the music was seriously stuck in my head. BTW I do not own the music/words. I just like them way too much.

I struggled over that time with a feeling I was unfamiliar with. An unease within my stomach, that was pulled up every time I listened to My Sanctuary.

For you and I,

there's a new land.

Angels in flight,

My Sanctuary, my sanctuary now,

where fears and lies melt away.

Wings that wont fly,

What's left of me, what's left of me now.

The words played with my emotions.Was this...guilt?

I let out a soft sigh, leaning against the helicopter doorway as I made my way to the next mission to take out three ogretails. Easy enough.

"Hey, buddy!" A sudden slap across my shoulder brought me back to my senses, and my head shot up, glowering murderously at the man who had disrupted my trail of thought.

Short black hair outlined a grinning face as Sargent Lindow Amimaya leant against the door frame opposite me, acting oblivious to my glare. He wore a tanned leather jacket over a black top and cameo trousers.

"So~You've been sighing a lot lately. Having girl troubles?" Lindow asked, tilting his head to the side in sympathy.

"...T-The hell?" I stuttered, caught completely off guard by the sudden question, I could feel my face burning a bright shade of red. Damn it.

"Ah, so you are." Lindow smiled smugly, "The face says it all. So, what's the problem? Afraid she doesn't like you, too scared to fess up? I could tell you plenty of ways to attract the ladies."

"Lindow!" Sakuya shouted, leaping from her seat and striding towards them. "Leave the poor boy alone."

"Yeh, yeh. But you know who to come to, right?" Lindow winked. "Hope you get your girl."

I could only stare after him as Lindow returned to his seat, shifting his brown-black jagged god arc across his shoulder.

Sakuya shook her head with a smile, her black bobbed hair swaying across her face. She wore a black open backed top, that was tied at the neck with a green ribbon and a black and green skirt that complemented her slender waist, "Just ignore him, he's under the impression that he's clever." I simply grunted, tugging my hood further over my face, turning my gaze back out through the door.

My thoughts immediately returned to Lupa and I let out another unintentional sigh.

"Wow, he really is lovesick..." Lindow laughed, earning a punch from Sakuya.

"Damn you..."

Normal POV

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say, someone's gonna be joining us at the drop off point." Lindow exclaimed, the punch somehow jogging his memory.

"Another God Eater?" surprise resonated through her voice.

"Yeah. Her name was..." Lindow scratched his head, and his eyes lit up. "Aha! It was Lupa."

Both adults jumped as Soma suddenly stood up, his silver Buster Blade (a type of god arc) hitting the floor with a loud crash.

"What did you just say?" Soma's voice was dangerously low as he stood, back still facing them.

"Her name is Lupa. Why, d'ya know her?" Lindows brow wrinkled as he frowned in the boys direction, only to find...

He was gone.

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