Chapter 39: Decisions

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I had written ten more chapters than this, but I don't like them so I'm editing. This means updating may be slower as I may take a while writing then rewriting more recent chapters. Sorry :(

Warning: song has naughty words in it. I wanna eat cake now T^T

Lupa's POV

"Good. I thought you must have drowned in there by now." Soma muttered, scowling at me as I left his bathroom.

"I had a lovely bath, thank you Mr. Kechi-sama." I retorted, humming a tune as I sprawled out on his sofa, closing my eyes in a determined-to-sleep manner.

"..." I heard him walk off momentarily, going back to the bathroom I had just left. What now?

"Soma, it's not like I'm dumb enough to mess up your room." For some reason it really annoyed me that he was checking that I hadn't caused mass destruction.

Then, out of the blue, a fluffy blanket appeared in ma face.

"Put that under your head." Soma instructed, pointing to the towel I was now hugging like a pillow. "Your hair's soaking the sofa."

"Aye sir..." Grumbling under my breath about the multiple ways I was going to kill him, I did as told.

So you're probably wondering why I was using Soma's bathroom instead of mine, because mine is way, way nicer than his.

Answer. Wierd kinda tar-oil-like stuff was coming out of my room's taps instead of water.

Looked a little like something my familiar once talked to me about when I probably wasn't listening.

But yeah. Wierd.

Since Jack's birthday, things had been looking up for Aria. She had opened up about Jack way more, talking to Lindow, Sakuya and me about what she was still going through.

It had stopped her sudden outbursts of tears and seemed to be really helping her, I guess.

Lindow in particular was really good with Aria.

They were always talking together, eating at his place with Sakuya, fighting on missions...

But something had been bugging me.

She couldn't like him, could she?

Because if she did, that would make things really awkward between her and Sakuya...and Lindow liked Sakuya, so...poor Aria.

"Soma," I asked, curling up properly on the sofa. "Don't you think Aria and Lindow are getting on a little too well?"

"How should I know?" Soma shrugged, face neutral.

Didn't he get the subtle hint? "I mean, they seem to like each other a lot."

Soma just looked bored, flicking through a book I had left on the arm of the sofa as he leant against the wall.

"As in like like each other." I added. Isn't this what humans usually say to suggest love?

"Assassins Creed: Brotherhood..." He continued to ignore me, opening the book up properly to read.

"Soma, listen!" I raised my voice as my thoughts all clamoured for attention. "I'm worried that Aria likes Lindow, who likes Sakuya, who likes Lindow-"

"No. Aria doesn't." He scowled at me over the top of the book before going back to reading. "Haven't you noticed? Lindow sees her as someone he needs to look after and protect. She sees him as someone who is like a father."

"...that's all?"

"That's. All." I sighed as he went back to being unsociable, all conversation clearly over.

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