Chapter 30: Mr Frosty Ice Queen

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Early Christmas present for you all! Spread da love...

Jelsa is soooo cute. If you haven't seen Rise of the guardians, go see it. Now.

Lupa's POV

I felt the soft white hospital sheets and groaned. I was in the hospital again?

Seriously, this was getting to be an annoying habit *^*

Still, I couldn't be bothered to wake up properly yet. I felt like a dunce. Like Jack was waving the key in my face, and I just wasn't seeing it.

He was so close to losing himself, but he was still resisting. That's all that mattered.

Muh. The others were probably worried. "I'm awake now." I announced to the scientists.

They immediately began fumbling with machinery around me, and I impatiently put up with it. "Hello Lupa."

"Hello sir. How long was I out?" I rubbed my head, trying to rid myself of my incoming headache.

"A week."

"WHAT?!" I choked. Wow I really must have been out of it.

The director was there with Sakaki, but I didn't really know anyone else there.

They explained that my eyepiece had basically glitched a bit, and been unable to provide me with the stuff I needed to stop my aragami cells devouring me etc, so they had kept me in a coma for a week.

Basically they wanted to know why. I tucked my knees up to my chest as I remembered the dream.

"So you saw your 'familiar'." Soma's dad interpreted.

"And that's probably linked to the cause of the malfunction." Sakaki finished, before mumbling about the sciency side.

...I really don't get science. "Hey, if I ever, you know, destroyed the eyepiece, would I get to use my magic freely again?"

"Um, yes, that would appear to be the case." Sakaki said. "Then the aragami cells would take over your body."

"Oh. Right." Dayum. "What if I destroyed it accidentally? Would I die?"

Sakaki dissapeared, then reappeared. As you do. "Not if you took enough bias factor and got to a hospital immediately." cos I just love hospitals.

He held out a box to me. "Inside are some syringes full of the dosage, just in case. It should be enough to last you through enough time to reach a hospital."

"Cool." I took the small box and tucked it into a pocket. "Would this stuff work on Jack?"

The two exchanged glances. "No." the Director finally replied regretfully.

"Oh. Okay." I'd kinda been expecting that answer. "Am I okay to go now?"

I felt more awake than ever as I metaphorically skipped along the corridor. Metaphorically I tell you.

"Lupa!!!" Sakuya shouted, running me into a warm hug. We were soon joined by Lindow, who patted my head.

Then Sakuya began scolding me. "Now, you must go to bed earlier." she began. "And, you have to eat healthily, meaning no junk food, no hot chocolate, no alcohol-"

"I'm too young to drink alcohol." I interrupted.

"Are you?" Lindow seemed surprised.

"Yes I am."

"But angels are immortal." Soma reasoned from behind me. I gave him a quick hug before he could complain. Sakuya gasped.

"Good to see you again Soma." I grinned a closed eye kinda grin. It's how cats grin.

Silence. I opened my eyes. Soma had Sakuya in a death strangle. "Oh yeah, we never got revenge."

"Mwahaha." Kanon came round the corner and sweat dropped at my evil laugh. I had a plan. A fun one at that.

"After missions today, do you wanna have a sleepover? I have a day off tomorrow."

Kanon stared at me suspiciously before nodding. "That would be awesome!"

"Count me in." Sakuya agreed, slipping out of Soma's death strangle. I would ask others later.

"Hey Soma, knock knock k-knock knock knock. Do you wanna have a sleepover? C'mon let's go and play..." Lindow asked with a grin.

"Go away Lindow." he hissed menacingly.

"Okay bye..." Lindow grinned even wider.

Sakuya elbowed Soma. "Conceal, don't feel," he looked disturbed. "Don't let them know..." a look of angry realisation came to his face. "Well now they know....."

"LET IT GO! LET IT GO!" she, Kanon and Lindow burst into song.

"OMG I just got it." I squealed. "Soma has white hair like Elsa! He's totally an Ice Queen."

"Not you too." Soma groaned, covering his ears as the singing continued. "What the hell is it with people and Frozen?"

"FROZEN IS LIFE." Ari arrived and joined in.

About half an hour later, the quartet finished their sing through of Frozen.

Half an hours experience of pure hell. Frozen is good the first time you see it, but when Ari forces you to watch it the fifteenth time...

"Is it over?" I had died. (Yes, you can die of too much Frozen) "Please no more."

A sudden thought occured to me. "Hey Soma, is your hair naturally white or dyed?"

He scowled at me. "The hell should you care?"

"So..." I interpreted his grumpy remark. "It's natural?" I squinted at his hair doubtfully, even though my supreme vision told me so.

"Yes." Wierd...

"HE'S LIKE THE MALE VERSION OF ELSA!" Ari screached. Let it go started playing again.

"I. hate. you. all." Soma growled.

I held up a hand. "The cold never bothered me anyway."

Aria shook her head in disgust.

"He's too mean to be Elsa." Lindow decided. "I recon he must be Hans."

"Or maybe Hans and Elsa got together in the end, and Soma is a descendant." Ari suggested wickedly.

"NOOOO I SHIP JACK FROST AND ELSA!" I had to say it. "Jelsa is amazing."

Me and Sakuya had a moment. We looked from each other to Soma. "Soma, are you sure you're not Jack Frost?" Sakuya asked.

"What the f***." He was now whacking his head off of the wall, probably seeing if it would help his head.

I was prepared to bet not.

I laughed. "Jack..." Images from the dream flashed back into my head. Sorrow began to tear at my heart.  "'s all my fault...he doesn't have long..."

Just like that. Happy atmosphere broken. Damn. Ari wrapped an arm around me as I retold the dream.

"I have to save him." I mumbled, remembering the agony he was going through.

"We will." Soma muttered as he passed, unusually supportive. "We have to."

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