Chapter 13: The key to her heart

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To Joshua-kun. I was joking. You do get a chapter. But you get the funny, uncool one. And no I won't pay you to write my fight scenes. I can write them myself just fine. I think.


Normal POV

Lindow was exhausted the next day. He had been on a mission for the director last night, and had barely pulled through.

The aragami were only getting more powerful, and the director was sending him out on missions into places completely packed with them.

He leaned back wearily onto the wall, as the seats in the lobby were all taken, and closed his eyes.

"Tired?" A voice piped up beside him, as a second person claimed the wallspace.

"A little." he admitted. "Nothing to worry about though."

"It worries me." Sakuya mumbled softly. Then she quickly raised her voice and scolded him. "If it gets in the way of fighting, then you'll be putting your allies in serious danger."

He raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I get it! I'll have an early night, satisfied?"

"...for now." she said smugly. Lindow smiled wryly. Trust Sakuya to see beyond his mask of positivity to the pain he felt inside. She was an incredible medic. Scrap that, an incredible woman.

He blinked. Uh...what was I just thinking?!

Before he could examine those thoughts, the elevator doors slid open to reveal Soma, who headed straight to Hibari's desk to find out his missions for the day.

Lindow and co joined Soma, asking for Lupa.

"Why the hell would I know where Lupa is?" Soma's voice was devoid of emotion: uncaring and unbothered, something that was unusual when it came to Lindow's pestering.

Could it be to do with Lupa's current absence?  Sakuya wondered, watching the way Soma seemed to be working mechanically. CUTE. She couldn't wait to see how he would react when Lupa arrived...

Hibari explained the details of the mission Soma was supposed to be going on, but he didn't seem to really be listening.

Oho~ Lindow grinned. Now's my chance.

"So Soma, heard Lupa took the room next door to yours." he said, casually reaching over the desk to take the mission papers.

"Uhuh." Soma wasn't really listening, eyes on the elevator doors.

He took the pen off Hibari, who had caught on to his plan. "Means you'll be able to see each other more often, right?"

"...right." Still not listening.

Sakuya stifled a giggle. Lindow started scribbling on the paper."Funny how she's afraid of doors, huh?" she said.


"You know, there's two sets of keys for that room." she pressed.

He frowned. "Yeh."

Lindow finished writing with a flourish. "Bet she'll give you the other key. You'll be busy in her room soon enough." Lindow said, suggesting a little more than work. "In fact, you better not tire Lupa out too much. Work comes before fun after all."

"What the f*** did you just say!?" Soma finally tuned back in to the conversation, though it was unclear as to how much he had heard.

Before any more awkward conversations could take place, the very girl in question arrived, stepping gracefully out of the elevator.

"Oh, hey." she greeted them.

"How're you feeling?" Lindow asked, an innocent look on his face.

"All right. Pretty tired though." she replied. Soma face palmed as Sakuya finally lost it. "What?"

"Oh, nothing." Lindow smiled innocently, handing the papers back to Hibari. "You and Soma have a mission together now."

Lupa cheered up immediately, while Soma looked confused. "No we don't, I have a solo mission."

"Not solo anymore." Lindow shrugged, tugging Sakuya away before any complaints could be made.

"He is gonna pay for that." Soma said darkly. Lupa sweat dropped, laughing nervously. Thank goodness I'm not Lindow.

"So what exactly were you guys talking about anyway?" she asked, still curious.

"N-none of your concern." he turned his hood up further before heading to the elevator. He paused.  "Are we doing this mission or not?"

"Hai!" she scurried through the closing doors, just before they could shut, and leant back against the cool metal. Soma opened one eye to look at her.

"What?" she asked, beginning to feel self conscious.

"...Aren't you afraid of sliding doors?" he reminded her.

"Oh yeh, I forgot." She...forgot? Did she just make up that whole story?

"Lindow was right." he decided.

"Lindow is never right. You said so yourself."


"In your mind."

"Just... shut up." he said tiredly.

Lupa gave a secret smile.

Eh heh heh...

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