Chapter 40: Papercut

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Why does it take so long to write chapters? I'm still not happy with them but I'm so far behind updating I feel like I have to :(

Oh well, it'll be worth it if you guys are even the tiniest bit enjoying reading this book :)

(Checks clock: 5am) It was worth staying up all night for...

Better than writing a stupid essay anyway.

Found a cool remix of Mortal Kombat music so I kinda did as asked by Gahlou. I've never played Mortal Kombat before. I'm a Tekken/Skullgirl/Naruto girl, personally.


Aria's POV

When Soma tried, he could be really nice.

I sized up the Zeus, which was fluttering near a train cart. Its luminous purple wings were getting on my nerves.

Still, we needed stealth.

Stealth was my speciality.

Instructing Soma to sneak attack on my signal, I climbed up a train, lining up my sights.

The butterfly was getting warier by the second, wings twitching in anticipation. We wouldn't have the advantage for long.

Upon my signal, Soma emerged from the shadows, crushing the Zeus' skirt. I opened fire, avoiding Soma as I too targeted the weak point.

Purple glowing orbs floated away from the beings head, which glowed with the same eerie light.

Soma seemed intent on staying out of their way, but it took me a while to realise why.

One trailed towards me, which I unwisely ignored, focusing on supporting Soma. This "purple orb" suddenly burst into a curving laser.

It didn't hurt much when it struck, but it definitely was enough to distract me.

Soma was left momentarily without my help, and the Zeus unfortunately took up this opportunity.

More purple lasers shot up in columns around the aragami, nocking Soma back. As he stumbled, the ground under him turned to a purple fog, trendles skimming his skin.

He looked exhausted when he finally jumped out of the mist, taking various medicines.

Shows you what just one second of losing your concentration can do.

"That the best you can do?" I shouted to the two. I meant the taunt for the Zeus, but Soma took the words to heart. Either way, it had the desired effect.

Soma glowered at me before attacking with renewed anger, while the Zeus span in my direction and charged me down.

Firing at the charging Zeus, I desperately prayed that I could down it before it reached me.

One bullet, two. Bright wings spread out, head glowing. Three. No effect. Okay, that's it.

"INSIGNIFICANT FLUTTERBY!!!" My rage surfaced, and I no longer cared about the approaching danger. This freak was going to hell, even if I had to drag it there every step of the way.

The aragami collapsed to the floor, pinned down by the continuous fire. I still wasn't satisfied.

Soma dodged my bullets, crushing the poor Zeus at every opportunity. I will admit, a couple of the bullets were aimed in his direction...

The rest of the battle flew by in a blur. I guess I must have been in insane killer mode, because I honestly don't remember it.

I sat against a train wall, watching the trains sway in the breeze. The helicopter was going to be late, leaving me with time to kill. Soma was using this time to hunt nearby enemies, while I...

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