Chapter 44: Sevens

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Hehe I forgot Sakuya was in hospital...Good thing I did a time skip...again '^-^

I really wanna reach 10K O.O

But that probably will never happen, I'm happy dreaming ^-^


From darkness, a single light moved, shrouded in shadow. Even in the hope of morning, the being was invisibly called down the demonic pathway to her own personal hell, a new form of exhaustion awaiting her every step.

Yet the draping walls, the rising floors, even the motionless air of Fenrir itself was powerless to change the winding thread of fate guiding her into her internal chaos; that deep ever-shifting realm of thought that her body caged her into.

And when her salvation came on broken wings, it would always be that moment too late...

"Lupa!!!" He was so close, he could see the individual whisps of hair dancing in the breeze, the charcoal shadows underlining her widened eyes, the shocked creases in her brow as she mouthed his name.

Soma swallowed, turning to gaze out of the window.

The whirring of blades overhead, as he ignored the pilot's warning, approaching the girl. She leant out of the doorframe, letting him grab her arm as he struggled to catch his breath."Wait..."

It was a miracle he had even made it in time, after all, Lupa never returned to her room at night.

"Promise me..."  He looked her fiercly in the eye, hoping to convey the seriousness of his words."After the mission you'll wait for me. No running away."

She glanced back at the pilot, a man known as Ignis, indecision in her eyes."But..."


"Hey sleepyhead!!!" Aria's eyes fluttered opened only to widen in amusement, seeing the typical tsundere boy being glowered at by Gina, a white haired God Eater with an eyepatch over one eye. "YES, I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!"

Soma had been sat at the door to the copter for the whole journey sleeping, whilst Aria, Gina and Karel played a game of Sevens.

Currently it was at an incredibly tense point of the game.

Aria had two cards clutched to her chest.

The ace and the two of hearts.

Either Gina or Karel had the three of hearts, but she obviously didn't know who had what.

Until one of them made a move, she wouldn't be able to play any more rounds.

Worse yet, Karel also had two cards, while Gina had five, so her position was unstable.

And Gina is a pro at tactics.

Soma opened one eye, before shutting it again.

Gina huffed, shaking her head. "I was just going to ask if you wanted to play the next game..."

"Soma doesn't believe in card games." Aria announced, casually leaning over to peek at Gina's cards. So Karel must have the-

"Your turn." Her world shattered.

Karel smirked over his single card left, while Aria stared at the card he had placed down.

"..." Queen of spades. Not even close to any of her cards. By default, his last card had to be the one card she needed.

"Well that's that then." In a blur of white and red, Gina flicked her card hand, sending her deck spiraling past Aria's eyes, into Karel's waiting hand. "Good play, Aria."

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