Chapter 22: Cheating to victory

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This music works every time. I cracked up laughing imaging Soma in this chapter along with this theme. You'll see where.

To Chloe. Kingdom Hearts is epic. And you share the same birthday as Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy, who is in Kingdom Hearts.

Celebrating 600+ views! We gots a fluffyish chapter that I originally wrote by hand whilst camping.

Normal POV

"Ready?" Soma brushed past Lupa, typing in the keycode. She stepped through the door, out into the lobby.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was being a total-" Her apology was interrupted by Sakuya giving her a huge wolf hug.

A wolf hug is one of those big hugs that totally envelope you and fill you with warmth. They express what words cannot.

Soma stood at the door smugly until he was dragged along by Lindow into a huge group hug.

Kanon arrived shortly afterwards, and promptly dragged Lupa off, leaving the others behind. She shoved Soma out of the way, and he stalked off to his room, looking mildly irritated.

"Where are we going?" Lupa gasped, stumbling as she tried to keep up with her captor. Kanon rolled her eyes and continued to leg it until they stood outside the kitchen door.

Lupa suddenly remembered the earlier conversation. "Oh..." she slowly trailed after Kanon into the room.

Kanon rummaged through a shelf of cookery books, chucking them haphazardly across the area as she searched for the right recipie. Lupa carefully went around, picking up the cast-offs and placing them on a counter.

If the cooks found their precious books being mistreated, all hell would break loose.

With a cheerful exclamation, Kanon finally found what she was looking for. "Here we are, first try!" Lupa couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay," Kanon slammed the book down on the table. The page displayed a photo of neat looking cakes with pink swirly icing and hearts decorated on top. "If you give these to Soma, then I'll owe you a favour."

Lupa twirled a wooden spoon, her eyes flashing at the challenge. "Let's bake."

A good hour later, they had finished. The table was lined with twelve cupcakes, all iced. Lupa hesitated before carefully placing the finishing touches on top: red hearts.

"Hey, look what I found!" Kanon emerged from a cupboard with a tiny tub of powder, that twinkled silver in the light. "Stardust, so people will know you personally made them."

"You made them too though." she grumbled, before sprinkling a little of the edible glitter on each cake and placing the tub on the tabletop.

The cupcakes were now sparkling like stars. "Let's hope they taste as good as they look." Kanon hummed appreciatively, boxing the cakes up in a cardboard container. She offered it to Lupa, who took it with a sigh, knowing what was coming next.

She was pushed to Soma's room by Kanon, and the two stood by the door nervously.

"I-I'll just be going now," Kanon bolted, remembering he was probably still annoyed at her for shoving him earlier.

Sure enough, Soma's door slid open, and he leaned out, glowering at the pinkettes retreating back. "Why did you let her get away?" he demanded, turning his icy gaze onto Lupa, whose cheeks had turned a fiery red.


"...Whatever." Soma attempted to close his door, but it was caught by a shoe. A dark blue denim shoe, to be exact.

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