Chapter 6 - i love him?

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No-ones POV

Kyungsoo thought about his feelings towards Chanyeol as he unlocked the front door on his house. He is so handsome, I mean, who wouldn't fancy him? The way he feels when Chanyeol is around is...indescribable. He makes Kyungsoo blush with one brief wink and when he kissed the top of Kyungsoo's head the young boys heart beat incredibly fast. Is this love? Kyungsoo thought, as he'd never been in love before . If it were to come his way, he wouldn't know, would he?

'Kyungsoo!' His mother called from the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen beaming after the day's events.

'Who was that handsome boy that dropped you off?' She inquired.

Kyungsoo blushed for about the millionth time today.

'Oh-um him...' he stuttered, 'he's a er friend of mine and we were the um last two people in the auditions so er we went for a milkshake and then he um dropped me home', he managed to finish the sentence.

Kyungsoo's mother laughed at her sons embarrassment, 'oh okay he's your friend, well next time invite him in', she smiled.

'Anyway, how were the auditions?' She asked him.

'They went well! I didn't mess up and Luhan, Chen, Suho, Xiumin and Tao did well!' I grinned, happy with my performance.

'Was your friend good - wait what is name?' His mother asked.

'His name is Chanyeol,' Kyungsoo said, looking down at the floor and fiddling with his thumbs.

'What a nice name! Did Chanyeol do well?' She asked again.

'Yes he did very well. He sang and played the guitar and guess what mum he sang Creep by Radiohead!' He said excitedly.

'Wow! I know how much you love that song', she smiled ruffling his hair a bit.

Kyungsoo grabbed his bag and went up to his room to think for a while. To think about what? Chanyeol. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way he smirked, the way he winked - the way his lips felt on Kyungsoo's head. He was so perfect, Kyungsoo couldn't even find the words to describe how he felt about Chanyeol.

{Chanyeol's House}

Still No ones POV

Chanyeol smiled as he got off he bike. Today was a good day, he thought, but he already misses Kyungsoo - a lot.

'What are you smiling about?' Chanyeol's mother laughed when he entered the house.

'I took Kyungsoo out for a milkshake..' He breathed heavily, remembering the day's events.

'Finally!' She giggled, 'I was wondering when you'd find the courage to ask him!' She winked and Chanyeol blushed, 'muuuuum stop', he whined.

His mother laughed and Chanyeol grabbed his bag and went up to his room to think for a while. To think about what? Kyungsoo. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way he blushed, the way he stuttered - the way his arms felt around Chanyeol's waist. He was so perfect, Chanyeol couldn't even find the words to describe how he felt about Kyungsoo.


Hey! The 6th chapter is here! Although this is just a sort of filler chapter to clear up how they feel about each other and that their mum's are okay and supportive with the whole thing. I didn't want to make a fanfic with homophobic people in! I read so many sad fanfics and there are hardly any with not much sad parts, so I decided to make this fanfic quite nice and relaxed :)


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