Chapter 10 - Max and His Slaves

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Luhan's POV

{Lunch Time}

'I'm just going to the toilet Sehunnie', I said to him as I unwrapped my arm from him.

'Okay, be quick! I'll get you some lunch' Sehun flashed his beautiful smile.

I grinned to myself and walked into the toilets. Sehun was a great boy but the thing is I hate being this close to him because I've fallen from him but he would never fall for me, I don't even know if he's gay.

I finished up and washed my hands as I felt a hand on my shoulder. 'Didn't you see? This is a boys toilet. Girls shouldn't be in here.' Max sniggered. I turned around to see him and his two friends, or should I call them slaves, standing next to him.

'Look. I don't know what your problem is but I am a boy. A male. I have a dick and no boobs so I think I can class myself as a boy.' I smiled sweetly at him and bat my eyelids. 'Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and eat my lunch.'

'And why would we let you go?' Max's friend snarled.

'Because Sehun is waiting and if he notices I take too long he will come and beat you up so you better let me go.' I stated sternly.

'Ooooh now I have Sehunnie to look after me I can talk back to Max'. Max cooed at me like I was five years old.

That was it I'd fucking had it with him. I shoved him out the way and stormed to the door but he pulled me back, I didn't want to get into a fight...I might have to though.

He spun me around onto the wall, 'I didn't say you could leave bitch.' He spat in my face. The two other boys pinned me to the wall so Max could beat me up. He threw a punch to my mouth and I felt the blood start to drip down my lips. He punched again but this time going for my eye; great I'm going to get a black eye now. The other two were gripping hard on my wrists and shoulders, I could already feel the bruises forming. Max sent me yet another punch, this time right in the nose. I whined out in pain at that one, to say it hurt was an understatement. Max proceeded to kick my ribs making me fall limp in the boys' arms, they shoved me down roughly so I was laying on the washroom floor. I grabbed my sides where Max had been kicking and felt a few tears slip from my eyes. This was the worst it had ever been, I should have just given up and not talked back to them.

I could see another kick coming but then Max was roughly dragged back. I couldn't see who was there as my eyes started to blur from the tears and the pain. The mystery boy smashed Max into the wall and punched him several times, the two other boys tried to escape but the boy grabbed them by the collars and shoved them into the walls. My eyes were now clear, I could see who it was. He shouted at them to get out of his sight and they scurried out of the washroom.

He immediately ran over to me as my eyes started to feel heavy. 'LUHAN! Lulu stay with me babe everything's going to be okay, we'll get you to the school nurse.' He shouted in a flustered manner. He picked me up bridal style and I held my hand up to touch his cheek gently, 'Sehunnie....' I weakly whispered as my eyes closed and everything went black. The last thing I heard was a crying Sehun whispering, 'Mianhae Lulu.' As he carried me and ran to the nurse.


'Will he be okay?'

'Yes he just needs to rest now and he'll be better tomorrow with some bruising to the right eye, shoulders, wrists and ribs. He can rehearse tomorrow but he'll have to take it easy, I'll give you some painkillers for his ribs. Make sure Luhan takes two with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 days.'

I heard some voices talking. I recognised one as Sehun and the other sounded like the school nurse. I pried my eyes open to see them facing away and I tried to get up but my ribs were in pain.

'Sehunnie...' I weakly whispered as I grabbed his leg.

'Lulu! Oh thank god you're okay.' Sehun spun around and knelt down beside me.

'I'll give you some time', the nurse walked out the room.

'How are you, where does it hurt?' Sehun asked concerned.

'It-  m-my ribs hurt...the rest is fine.' I whispered, not making eye contact.

'Look at me.'


'For gods sake Luhan! Look at me!' He shouted angrily and I winced and shuffled to the other side of the bed.

'I-uh Luhan I'm sorry, I just was worried when I saw you hurt and I wanted to see your beautiful eyes again..' He sat down gently on the bed and cupped my face.

'Luhan I.. I was worried because I like you. Fuck that Luhan. I love you. I love you infinitely an seeing you hurt crushed me so much because I wasn't there for you-'

''s not your fault. I love you too hyung'. I blushed and looked down into my lap. From the corner of my eye I saw Sehun blush and smile. He let go of my face and put his hand down beside my lap and put his other hand back onto my face. He leant forward so he was a few centimetres from my face, I could feel his breath on my neck.

No ones POV

'Saranghaeyo Luhan', the elder boy whispered and gently placed his lips on Luhan's.

Sehun passionately pushed his lips onto the younger boy and slipped his tongue into his mouth. Sehun blushed as he felt Luhan kiss him back lustfully and then they separated for air. Sehun rested his forehead on Luhan's and smiled.

'You feeling better babe? Are you well enough to watch the guys practicing?', Sehun asked.

'Yeah sure! I don't want to stop you practicing as well because you've stayed with me for a long time.' Luhan smiled.

'Oh and I was going to ask if you wanted to go out on a date tonight but seeming as you're ill, how about we have a night-in type of date?' Sehun bravely asked.

Luhan's eyes lit up, 'sure Sehunnie!'

Sehun grinned and helped the other boy up carefully and wrapped his arms around him. 'I'll help you walk to the dance studio'. Sehun kissed the top of Luhan's head and helped him walk out of the medical room.

{The Dance Studio}

Kyungsoo's POV

We were all very worried about Luhan after seeing him beat up like that. I hate Max, he hurt my best friend and I just want to go up to him and beat him up but everyone knows I would lose and end up getting hurt myself.

'Hey Kyung, stop thinking so hard I'm sure he's fine', Chanyeol reassured me and put his arm round me. We were taking a break before learning more of the Lucifer. Sehun was teaching us along with the help of our new choreographer, Steve. He was half British, half Korean and sometimes he accidentally started talking English to us. However Sehun went back to check on Luhan ten minutes ago so we're having a break.

The studio doors opened to reveal a tired looking Luhan being helped along by Sehun.

'Luhan! Are you okay?' I rushed up to see how he was.

'Yeah it's okay Soo I'm fine, just going to rest whilst watching you guys practice. I should be able to join you tomorrow', He smiled weakly at us all and Yixing got him a chair to sit down in.

We were about to start practicing again when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. 'If anyone ever does that to you, they won't live to tell the tail', Chanyeol whispered in my ear. I turned around to see anger fill his eyes and I stepped back slightly in shock.

'O-omo m-mianhae Kyung I just-' he pulled me into an embrace, 'I can't bear the thought of losing you'.

I felt a tear drop on to my head and I heard Chanyeol sniffing slightly. I pulled back slightly to look at him, 'Nothing bad is going to happen to me, arasso?' I told him.

'Arasso.' He replied and stroked my hair before planting a kiss on my forehead, 'Let's get back to rehearsing', he smiled and dragged me over to where the others were.


Okay so this chapter had a lot of hunhan and not much chansoo so I'll try not to involve other ships too much but each ship will have their own parts at some point~~~


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