Chapter 26 - We'll Be Okay, Babe

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Third Person POV

Luhan and Sehun walked home with their shoulders slouched and sad expressions after what had happened between their best friends, they seemed to hold each other's hand tighter than usual, both knowing what was on the others mind.

'Luhan.' Sehun stopped and pulled his boyfriend close, 'please tell me you're not lying to me as well. Please tell me you love me. Tell me you mean it. Because if you're like Kyungsoo then I won't be able to hold onto life anymore..'

Luhan felt Sehun's tears on his neck, he shivered as they rolled down his back, and he let a few of his own tears out. 'I promise you. I love you. I promise.' Luhan choked out his words, 'Please tell me you love me and there isn't another.'

'There could never be another. I love you Luhan. I would never do what Kyungsoo did. He disgusts me.'

'Sehun! How can you say that..he's still my best friend.'

'What? You saw what he did, he is disgusting.'

'Sehun, I- you don't understand, Kyungsoo would never do this.' Luhan sighed and looked at his feet.

'But you saw him! He went off with Will! He broke Chanyeol's heart.'

'If anyone knows Kyungsoo well, it's me. There's one thing that others may not know but, Kyungsoo always chooses other people's happiness over his own. He would rather that he was in pain than others. Losing Chanyeol is painful for him, what if he did what he did to help someone else?' Luhan shed some more tears as the realisation kicked in.

'Se-Sehun I knew I recognised his voice! Sehun, Will was the other person when Max took me, you said it yourself - he's a monster!' Luhan cried hysterically. 'SEHUN WE LEFT KYUNGSOO ALONE WITH HIM.'

Sehun started to panic too, he knew Will and this sounds just like something  that Will would plan. 'Oh fuck, oh my god what if he's hurt.' Sehun looked through his contacts and found Kyungsoo's name and called him.

'He's not picking up.' Sehun said, worrying even more, but then he stopped to hear something chilling, only the sound of his pounding heart, Luhan's crying and - Kyungsoo's ringtone.

Sehun heard the noise to his right, he looked slowly as did Luhan and low and behold, they saw Kyungsoo's phone, chucked into a random bush.

Luhan turned to Sehun shakily. 'W-What do we do now?'

'We get Chanyeol and we find Kyungsoo.'


Chanyeol's POV

I looked down at my phone that had been constantly ringing for the past five minutes, Sehun and Luhan would not stop. I don't even know why they want to speak to me so bad - they saw what happened. And yet, I want to hate Kyungsoo so badly - but I just can't. I can't forget how real our love felt. For gods sake, I was the one that approached him! How did I get so unlucky to fall in love with the one person that was dating that freak I used to call a friend.

'Chanyeol darling, I know you're having a hard time but, Sehun and Luhan are here.' My mum called from outside the door.

'Tell them to go aw-' I couldn't finish my sentence as the two boys came bursting through my bedroom door.

'W-We need to find Kyungsoo.' Sehun panted, they had clearly been running to get here.

'Why?! He's the bad guy in this situation guys. Why the hell are you concerned about him?' I shouted angrily at the pair.

'Chanyeol! Why aren't you concerned? You love him!' Luhan shouted back at me.

'BUT HE NEVER LOVED ME.' I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks and their facial expressions softened.

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