Chapter 17 - Happiness and Insanity

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Kyungsoo's POV


I covered my ears with my pillow to drown out the echoing sound of my alarm clock.

'Shuuut upppp'. I whined.

'Oi, sixteen year old, get up.' I heard a familiar voice say followed by a pillow colliding with my head.

I looked up to see my boyfriend leaning against my door frame and staring at me seductively.


He chuckled and walked towards my bed, 'Just because you're sixteen now, it doesn't mean you're allowed to swear and I'm your boyfriend?? Your mum gave me a spare key.' He said and wiggled his eyebrows whilst spinning a key round his finger.


'So I take it you won't be wanting birthday sex then? Oh by the way, happy birthday baby.' He whispered and kissed my neck softly causing me to whimper.

'I-um I never said that..' I said sheepishly and looked down at my fidgety hands.

'Look at me jagiya.'

I looked deeply into his eyes and his lips crashed onto mine, our mouths moving in sync. He nibbled my bottom lip slid his tongue across it, then I pushed back against him, fighting for dominance.

He pulled away and towered over me on the bed, 'Nice try kiddo but I do leading around here'. He winked and placed his lips sweetly onto mine.

After our make out session he got off the bed and I realised how sexy he looked.

His white school shirt, the first three buttons undone, exposing a skull tattoo on his chest; ripped black skinny jeans that hugged his long legs perfectly. We're not supposed to where ripped jeans to school, just plain black ones but being the rebel his is, Channie wears them. His hair was messy which added to the sex appeal, he had plain black ear rings, his to-die-for lip ring and black Nike shoes. He was looking extra hot today.

I subconsciously licked my lips and walked up to him. I pecked his cheek quickly and then fondled the waistband of his jeans.

'Don't make this hard for me, I'm supposed to wait till after school to fuck you.' He hissed under his breath. He cupped my face and ran his fingers through my hair and suddenly pulled me into an embrace, startling me slightly.

'Sorry if I frightened you I just want you to know how much I love you. I'm so grateful to have you in my life.' Chanyeol said with tears in his eyes.

I stared into his eyes held onto both of his hands. 'I love you too, you're so special to me, don't ever forget that.' I replied, smiling at him.

He stroked my cheeks softly and told me to get ready for school.

'I'll make you some birthday breakfast.' He told me.

I pulled on my tight, black, skinny and I draped my school shirt around my shoulders, not bothering to do it up yet. I put on my vans and gelled my hair up, because Chanyeol likes it like that, then I was ready to go for breakfast.

Chanyeol POV

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as I was putting our pancakes on the table.

'Smells good.' I turned around to look at Kyungsoo. My jaw dropped as I saw his shirt, unbuttoned and his hair, gelled. He really wasn't helping my thirst for him. I smirked thinking about what we would do later, 'You look hot.' I told him.
'You look sexy.' He replied grinning at me.

After we ate our pancakes, I saw some golden syrup on Kyungie's lip, I couldn't resist licking it off him.

I pulled away after licking the syrup, 'I have something to give you jagiya.'

I two necklaces out of my pocket, 'They go together in a pair, I thought we could both wear one?'

'I-it's beautiful Channie - thank you.' He grinned up at me.

'Turn around.'

I placed the necklace around his neck and did up the fastening.

'Turn back around.'

I buttoned his shirt, starting from the top to the bottom. Then he did up my three undone buttons and we put on each others ties.

'Baby let's go.' I said, handing him his blazer.


Kyungsoo's POV

Chanyeol and I walked into school, hand in hand.

'We have half an hour till classes start, can I come to your form room?' Chanyeol asked me.


I felt people staring at us, we'd only been dating for a week and we'd been rehearsing a lot so I guess most people didn't know Chanyeol and I were dating.

We walked into my dorm room and were greeted by the others, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY KYUNGSOOOOOO!!' They all shouted.

I grinned as they all bombarded me with hugs.

'Thanks guys!'

I felt Chanyeol's chin rest on my head, and his arms wrapped around my stomach, 'Don't give them too many hugs or I might get jealous.' He chuckled and kissed my temple.

I noticed the rest of the people in my class looking at us weirdly, they obviously didn't know we were dating, also they were probably rather intimidated because lots of year thirteens were in the form room. Chanyeol sat on my chair and pulled me into his lap and cuddled me. We stayed like that for the remaining half an hour and chatted with the other ten.

'Boys you best be getting back to lessons now.' I heard Ms Wan say and they got up, Channie pecked me on the lips and went back to their class.


Earlier that morning

Luhan's POV

{Trigger Warning}

'For gods sake boy! You complain about getting bullied for being not manly enough but then you go and date another boy! It's disgraceful.' My father spat at me and slapped me across the face, hard.

'YOU KNOW FUCK ALL ABOUT LOVE, YOU'RE THE ONE THAT IS CHEATING ON MUM!' I screamed and slammed my door in his face.

I slid down my wall and I let the tears stream down my face. Where did I go wrong in life? What did I do? I love Sehun. What's so bad about that? I often wonder, what's the point in carrying on, then I get better for a week or two, then I fall back into the same old black hole.

Before I knew it, I was standing in my bathroom, door locked, sleeves rolled up. I kept choking on my tears as I shakily picked up the razor. I felt the blade come into contact with my flesh and I watched the crimson liquid rise and then fall down my forearm. The pain temporarily left me and it was replaced with a burning, numbness in my arm which I had learnt to enjoy immensely. I cut a few more times until I was satisfied and then I cleaned up the wounds and bandaged them.

I stared at my empty reflection, my blotchy skin and puffy eyes. I sighed deeply and forced my antidepressants and mood stabilisers down my refusing throat. I felt my phone buzz, I'll meet you outside in five minutes?, Sehun's text read.

I smiled weakly at my boyfriend's message, I loved him, a lot. My father however, did not approve and my mother was away for a week for business, I had no one to defend me but myself.

I flushed the blood stained tissues, leaving me with nothing but scars to hide. It was winter though, I could get away with wearing my blazer all the time.

'Why is life so difficult?'

Omo Luhan I'm sorry I made you like this :'(
This is a Chansoo fanfic but I might add Hunhan in the title as well? I feel like there's quite a lot of hunhan in this, would you guys mind? I'd just change it to Chansoo/Hunhan ^^

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