Chapter 25 - Why?

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Author's POV

So, I guess you're all wondering what happened that day. The day that I broke Chanyeol and Kyungsoo apart. Well let me tell you, but I warn you, it's not nice.

Third Person POV

'So here's the deal.' Max's whisper made Kyungsoo shiver in fear.

'You have to break up with Chanyeol..and say you're dating me.'

'W-What? Why? Why don't you just beat me up or something.' Kyungsoo stammered.

'Because this is all the more painful.' A new, male, voice spoke into Kyungsoo's other ear.

Kyungsoo quickly turned around to see a tall, gorgeous boy probably the age of Chanyeol.

'Who are you?' Kyungsoo asked the boy who had him mesmerised.

'The name's Will.' The boy spoke, 'and I am Max's brother.'

'Why are you a part of this insanity?! Why are you helping Max to hurt people?'

'I'm not helping him. I am the one leading this 'insanity'.' Will spoke and smirked psychotically, making Kyungsoo tremble in his spot.

'I decided it's no fun if Kyungsoo is dating you, Max. You're not needed anymore, it's about time I showed my face again.' Will spoke and took Kyungsoo's hand. Kyungsoo tried to get away from Will but he was reminded what would happen to Luhan and Baekhyun if he didn't go along with the plan.

'One question. Why are you doing this?' Kyungsoo looked up at Will.

'I'm punishing people. I'm sorry Kyungsoo, you just got caught in the middle of something bigger than you could ever imagine. The second you and your friends starting hanging out with Chanyeol and his gang, were doomed from that moment.'


Third Person POV

'Where's Kyungsoo? I told him to be quick!' Chanyeol whined impatiently and Baekhyun laughed  at him.

'He'll be here soon, don't worry..ah! Speaking of the devil, there he is.' Baekhyun pointed and waved over at Kyungsoo. But Kyungsoo ignored him.

'Aish..what's with him.'

Kyungsoo walked slowly over to the table, trying to prolong what he had to do. But the curiosity of what happened between Will and Chanyeol was eating away at Kyungsoo. The fact that Chanyeol had a secret made Kyungsoo a little angry, 'at least it would make this a little easier' he had thought.

'Babe! You're here, are you okay?' Chanyeol stood up and went to embrace his boyfriend, only to be rejected.

'Don't touch me, Park Chanyeol. I never liked you. I was dared to date you and pretend  that I actually liked you. Now leave me alone, you're pathetic. I've had a boyfriend all this time and you didn't even notice. We're over Chanyeol, but then again, we never were really together.' Kyungsoo said sternly, with a smirk, trying to hide his pain as Chanyeol dropped to his knees, crying in front of Kyungsoo. He wasn't even able to speak.

Will walked out from where he had been standing, just out of view.

'I can't believe this dare went on for this long, babe! It was pretty funny though.' Will laughed and pecked Kyungsoo's lips, in front of everyone. The five older boys eyes widened in shock but Chanyeol couldn't even look up.

Sehun threw his plate to the floor, 'WILL?! WHAT THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE LAST TIME? WE DON'T WANT YOU AROUND.' He screamed, bad memories coming back to him.

'Kyungsoo..I can't believe you.' Baekhyun said sadly and looked away from the couple.

'I thought you'd know better than to date a slob like him.' Kris shook his head. Yixing and Jongin just had their gazes fixed on Will.

'Leave. Both of you. You're really perfect for each other, aren't you? An asshole and a slut.' Kyungsoo felt the tears prick at his eyes - Chanyeol just called him a slut. But what did he expect? After telling him all this did he really expect everything to be okay?

Luhan could feel something not right. He knew Kyungsoo. He wouldn't ever do that. Unless he was forced to for some reason. And why did he recognise that guy's voice?

Will smirked and dragged Kyungsoo out of the canteen and led him to his car that was parked outside, it had blacked out windows in the back seat. He panicked - was Will going to kidnap him? Will shoved him into the car, got in afterwards and locked the doors.

'You know I said I was sorry that you got mixed up in all of this earlier?' Will said, turning around to see Kyungsoo.


'Well I lied - I'm not sorry at all.' He laughed and climbed back into the back seat.

'You're very pretty, Kyungsoo dear.' Will smiled and stroked Kyungsoo's hair and rested his hand on the boy's private area.

'N-No, please-' He started to protest when he realised what was happening, but Will wasn't going to take no as an answer, he swiftly removed Kyungsoo's shirt.

Visions of Chanyeol flashed through Kyungsoo's mind. He weakly whimpered 'Channie', but Chanyeol was nowhere to be seen as Will's hands roamed over the body that only Chanyeol had ever touched.

And the rest, is history.


Chanyeol's POV

I don't know where I am going, my legs are taking me somewhere.


I can't even see through my tear filled eyes, the warm liquid spilling down my cheeks as I ran into the unknown.

All I know is that I have to get away.

After what happened, I'll need a lot of healing time.

I don't think I'll ever be happy again.

I thought we were perfect together.

My whole life is a lie.

Who else has been lying to me?

I just want to disappear.

How could he?


Will is such a could he do that to Kyungsoo??? I'm so pissed off right now even though I'm the one who wrote it..don't worry Kyungsoo, you'll be okay. I promise <3

Hopefully people aren't confused anymore :)


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