Chapter 11 - Back To Normal and No More Bullies

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Kyungsoo's POV

Today, everything was back to normal. Luhan was practicing well but he still wasn't 100% yet.

The principal came to the dance studio while we were having our lunch break. 'Luhan! I have great news for you. Max and his friends have been transferred to other schools. They won't bother you again.' He beamed.

'Ah! Kamsahmida principal', Luhan stood up carefully and bowed to our head teacher. Thank god they'd been transferred.

'Be careful Luhan, don't strain yourself too much. I'm glad you're feeling better and luckily this afternoon Ms Wan tells me you'll be doing vocal practice instead of dance so you can rest a bit.' He bowed to Luhan, 'Ah good luck boys, work hard but don't over work yourselves. Fighting!' The principal smiled and was about the walk out but then turned around, 'and I'm glad you're all getting along. I was worried that the gangsters of year 13 and the Angels of year 11 wouldn't get on.' He chuckled, bowed and then exited.

I sat down to continue eating my lunch next to Chanyeol.

'So what you doing after rehearsals?' Chanyeol asked me whilst eating his roll.

'I'll probably go home, make myself some dinner and relax a bit', I replied honestly.

'Won't your parents make you dinner?' He inquired.

'Ani. They are out of town for a few days. I guess if you wanted you could come round after school seeming as I'll be alone', I bravely told Chanyeol. Why had I said that? I was telling him to come to my house, what was I thinking of course he won't want to come over-

'Sure, I was starting to think you'd never ask.' Chanyeol took me by surprise and winked.

'Uh-um okay yeah so-' I stuttered after being caught off guard.

'Babe don't look so worried, I don't want you to be alone so how about I stay the night as well, I'll get my stuff and come round to yours after practice, arasso?'

'Arasso...' I replied, oh god I was so embarrassed, he's staying over! I mean he's been round before but that wasn't intentional..

My thoughts are stopped when I feel Chanyeol's arm around my waist and his hand slip into my sweatpants pocket. My breathing hitched slightly and my body stiffened in his hold. I heard him chuckle as he pulled me in closer to him. 'I look forward to tonight..' He whispered in my ear and held me tighter.

Now. Sweatpants are baggy so his hand could move lots in my pocket. So let's just say, I don't know if he noticed but Chanyeol's hand kept 'accidentally' brushing past my dick. As he did so I kept freezing in my spot, the final time he did it, it was more of a stroke. This time it was definitely intentional because I heard him snigger lightly to the right of my ear, and I felt his hot breath on my neck.

He unwrapped himself from me and whispered, 'Like that?' And then he proceeded to walk away.

'Practice time Kyungsoo! Don't slack, we're going to the vocal room.' Ms Wan shouted.

Damn you Chanyeol. To be honest yes, yes I did like it but why would he do that, getting my down below area excited like that especially as I have...baggy sweatpants on. Now I have to walk around awkwardly until I can take care of what I need to do.

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