Chapter 28 - The Past

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Kyungsoo's POV

'I'm sorry that I worried you Soo..' Chanyeol gripped my hand and stroked my face after walking in with Yixing, both looking surprisingly happy, I'll have to ask Yixing how he made him so joyful.

'It's okay babe, I'm just glad you didn't do anything, the police are waiting outside, they're going to arrest Will. They've got the DNA evidence and everything.' Chanyeol smiled as I told him.

'I still want to kill him though.' I heard him mutter.

'Yah! Don't say that, the police are outside!' I cried and hit him on the arm, he could be an idiot sometimes, but I know he was just defensive.

'I'm just worried about you and angry at Will.'

I nodded, understanding his point of view. But then I realised one thing, how did they know Will?


'Yes Soo?'

'I never got the chance to ask how you knew Will and why you didn't like him.'

The colour in Chanyeol's face drained as he looked at the ground and sighed. I waited and watched Luhan, Suho, Chen, Xiumin and Tao all wait too, wanting to know also.

'He was once our best friend,' Chanyeol started after zoning out, 'and-' before Chanyeol could finish, Jongin stormed out, fighting back tears.

Chen looked around desperately, 'what happened!? Why is he like this!'

A tear fell down my boyfriends cheek and I quickly wiped it away, 'We also had another best friend, his name was Taemin.'

'One day, we found out that Will had been talking a lot of shit behind our backs so we embarrassed him in front of everyone, we wrecked his reputation, his dignity! God, I know we shouldn't have done it, we should have left that shit be! But, he was angry and, Jongin was the one who was 'the ring leader' so to speak..Will said he was going to kill him for ruining him. Whilst they were fighting, punching each other, Taemin was being responsible. He told them to stop and Jongin tried but Will kept coming at him.' Chanyeol was now bawling his eyes out, the others looked angry, no - upset? Disappointed? I wasn't really sure how to read their facial expressions.

'And then,' Chanyeol took a deep breath,' out of nowhere, Will got out a gun, it all happened so fast. Jongin didn't see it, Will was too quick. He pulled the trigger, Taemin jumped in front. It was a complete head shot, he was dead within a second.' Chanyeol collapsed to the floor, breaking down as I tried to calm him down.

'I can still remember Jongin's cries, they ring in my ears, Soo.' Chanyeol sobbed hysterically, 'We all loved Taemin but, Jongin and Taemin weren't best friends, they were like brothers. They were that close. After that, Jongin tried to kill himself about five times, we had to be there for him, we had to be strong.' A nurse walked in with a heavily breathing Jongin who was seeming to have a panic attack from all the memories that came rushing back.

'There was so much blood, Soo.' Chanyeol was at his most vulnerable state I'd ever seen him in, it was horrible. He clung on to my side, crying his heart out.

Yixing stared at me with bloodshot eyes, 'We were only 12 at the time, Will was too young to be arrested. All they did was monitor his mental health but apart from that, he was let off the hook. C'mon Chan, get this down you mate.' Yixing passed a cider to Chanyeol who gulped it down quickly.

'This is why we drink a lot, we started drinking after Taemin's death, to help us cope. It was all we could do for relief, Jongin needed us to be strong.' Yixing explained and stroked Chanyeol's back as he drank and drank, 'Chanyeol was the nearest to Taemin apart from Jongin and Will. He ended up covered in his best friends blood, he had PTSD for a few months afterwards but it went away. For Jongin though, the panic attacks still come, as you've seen.'

We all needed a second after taking in all the information. Tao took Kris, whom was trying his best not to cry, on a walk outside. Luhan took an angry Sehun off to the café to get a drink. Chen stood by Jongin and the nurse, helping to relax Jongin. Suho massaged Baekhyun's shoulders and whispered encouragements in his ears, helping the tears to stop falling. And Chanyeol and I were sat with Yixing and Xiumin on my hospital bed, the four of us just cuddling together, learning about Taemin.

'He was an amazing dancer,' Yiximg smiled, 'Jongin, Taemin, Sehun and I would always dance together, whilst Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Will would watch us and drink coke and eat crisps. We all would skateboard together, and laugh, mess about, just like any other 12 year olds would. Taemin had a lot of potential. We always dreamed that the 8 of us would debut together in a group. But Will was never really up to the standard. He wasn't a dancer or a singer or a rapper. Once we realised that, that was when things started going downhill. He realised he wasn't good enough so he made up stuff about us, went behind our backs. Clearly, he's still angry about it to this day.'

'There's one thing I never told you guys.' Jongin's hoarse voice called out, gaining our attention.

'Taemin had been scouted by SM..he was going to train and become part of a group. He didn't want to leave us but I told him to chase his dreams. He was so close to debuting. If only I had been the one who died-'

'Shut up Jongin. Just shut up.' Chanyeol cried out, 'we can't change the past. Just live life and be proud. Don't make Taemin's death be for nothing. Make Taemin proud of you.' Chanyeol spoke angrily and forcefully, however he had an odd sort of caring tone in his voice.

'Let's work hard, yeah?' Xiumin spoke out, 'this may be different to your dreams as children, Taemin and Will may not be with you but there's the 12 of us now. Together. I'm sure if we work hard and debut together, Taemin can look down and be proud.'


Okay this isn't the last chapter like I said it would be, I think the next one will be! After that there will be an Epilogue and maybe a bonus chapter ;) if you have any suggestions of things you would like me to include before this fanfic ends, please tell me!


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