You tell your brother you're dating his bandmate/bestfriend

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Michael: Luke i feel like Luke would be a little skeptical at first but he'd see the way Michael would treat you like dropping you off after a date through the front window curtains and he'd be all for it.

Luke: Calum Calum would know from the very beginning but pretend it was a huge surprise when you told him because he ships you and Luke so hard but promises if Luke hurts a hair on your body he'll beat the shit out of him

Ashton: Michael I feel like he wouldn't care as much as he should as long as PDA is kept on a low down he would be okay with it.

Calum: Ashton I feel just like Calum he would ship you two really hard and ask when he was going to be an uncle constantly but if Cal made a sexual comment about you Ash would hit him up the head.

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