the things they would do for you

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Michael: at an interveiw

"I remember this once, michael had gotten home from tour and I was still at university. I was so upset because I couldn't see him straight away, I mean it had been nearly 5 months. So I texted him about it, within probably 20 minutes the door burst open and he is there in my hogwarts robes which mind you dont fit and he just shouts troll int he dungeon thought you ought to know and just falls to the floor! The teacher let me go after that!"

Ashton: in disneyland

"But Ash no, don't just use your fame to get what you want! Please don't become one of those people!" You pleaded with him again in the line of Peter Pan. Ashton shook his head at you. 

"but we have been in line for almost an hour and you've been waiting to go on this ride all day!" he argued finally deciding he was going to walk up the front with his VIP security badge and cut all the other families in the front. 

You sighed but followed him ducking under the chains and apoligising to angry parents and showing them your VIP sercuirty badge. 

"Hey Sorry, names Ashton Irwin, my girlfriend and I would like to go on this ride!" The operator at the front of the line stood infront of you both starstruck. She nodded her mouth open like a fish and pressed the red button for the gates to open. 

"Priority" She shouted at another girl who almost fell over when you and Ashton walked over to her with a waiting boat. Once you were on the ride you smiled in awe this is so exciting. 

"Thankyou for doing that. But next time we wait in line like the rest of those people!"

Luke: period texting

luke: hey baby girl, how are your cramps?

y/n: better I can move again. just making some lunch would you like some?

luke: oo sounds good what are you cooking! I'm glad you can move again so does that mean you don't want your suprise?

y/n: no actually feeling like shit, can't move when you get here you'll have to cook!

luke: just joking angel, you keep cooking i rented out the movie you like fantastic beasts and where to find them and I've bought some chocolate xo

y/n: you are the best honestly xox


@calum5sos: just a quick rant xo pitcture.twitterhsdn39839askjd

                  > hey 5sosfam! i hate ranting as you know but i've really got to adress some issues that are going on. firstly please stop sending hate and death threats to my girlfriend. yes i see them and no you are not mine you do not have any right. death threats and hate are bullying and are serious issues of todays society. she doesn;t deserve this, she has never done anything to you. i love her and i want you guys too. she makes me happy shouldn't this be what it is about......

just some random quick updates so i dont have to study for exams oxoxoxo

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