Blurb: You have glasses - malum

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calum would think its the cutest if u had glasses omg he'd probably take them off of you and take pictures in them lol and then he'd post them on twitter like "rt for the glasses on me fav for them on y/n" and then he'd get upset when u got more favs. but i think he would honestly think your glasses are the cutest thing in the world and the first time he saw you with out them wouldn't phase him at all he'd probably just tell you "aw angel you look cute without your glasses!" and you'd be like "no no no i dont i'm gonna go put them back on" and he'd stop you and pepper you with kisses while he tells you how beautiful you are

michael would be so cute about it tho he'd always be telling you how pretty you looked and making sure you didn't feel insecure about wearing them in public. whenever you would come over and have your contacts in he'd be like " aw wheres your glasses princess" and i bet he'd probably ask to wear them and get all smiley and happy when you said yes so you would be laying on your bed while he stood in front of the dresser and made weird faces in mirror with your glasses on until he turned around and cocked and eyebrow and almost shouts "do i look hot babe" while he struts over to you sits on your lap. you would tell him he looks beautiful while he takes them off and puts them on you, kissing ur nose and cuddling up beside you

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