He buys you a kitten

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Ashton: even though he is allergic to cats, you had always wanted a fury fluffball so ashton bought you a kitten. a seal blue ragdoll that you named Cady a few months later though you convinced him to get a second one which you named Aragog.

Luke: bought you a british shorthair kitten to keep you company whilst he was on tour. you named you little buddy Blaze whom you adore a lot and are very proud of.

Calum: Bengal Cat as a joke in the beginning because they loooked cool but you wanted to have it instead of giving it to your mum liek the original plan. You named her Tiger and made her her own play ground and everythig.

Michael: being michael allowed you to adopt a 3 year old tea cup persian cat that you named Sally because you could. It was also so if anyone asked if you had plans or someone hit on you, you could say no sorry id have to find someone for Sally to be looked afte rby.


 go google these cat somf adorbs i have 2 ragdolls so no complaints fave cats ever 

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