What he brings you back from tour

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Michael always brings you back a classic tourist souvenir from wherever he goes, he keeps them in a little plastic bag and hands them too you with the biggest grin whilst you add 40 new magnets to you fridge and 6 new cups to your cupboards whilst laughing at your idiotic boyfriend.

Luke would buy you books, if it looked really interesting, whether it be a colouring book or a english to *the language* book or a novel just something that you can say you got from there. He usually decorated them in little bows before handing you them and then you'd sit and properly read them together.

Ashton would bring you back the most interesting things, it could vary from little dolls or CD's or t-shirts that he got made for you some fancy jewellery or funny calendars he bought it. He loved walking into your bedroom too to see the things he buys you on display.

Calum always brings you back a teddy bear and all kinds of chocolate. They are two of your favourite things and you have a separate room dedicated to little and big teddies his bought you. The chocolate? Yeah well thats gone. You like trying all kinds and he makes little tasting plates for you. 

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