Chapter 29~

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(Sorry for the late late late suuuuppper late update!!!! I had so many things to do!!! I"M SO SORRY!!!

Anyways here ya go!!!!

(99k omygodgodgodgod)


3 months have passed since Angelica left the Trancy manor.

Everything was the way before she came. It was silent. And just sadness had filled around the manor. Alois was just in his study room. Looking at the window with dull eyes. He touched the glass. And just stared far away.

Sadness just filling his surroundings.

He really missed her that much...

He couldnt beleive it...

He already fell in-love with her..

His heart cries out her name. And longing to see her again.

Though he couldnt..

He couldnt do that anymore. He already told her to go away and never come back. He knew that there will be no future for them. Even if they are together. There still wont be a future for them. He will die, eventually his soul will go to Claude.

He thought bitterly...

If only..he hadnt made the stupid contract, he and Angelica would still be together now. Though...a part of him thanked that he had made a contract to Claude. Without this contract. He and Angelica would have never met. He may still be one of those boys for that bastard old trancy.

He sighed. And turned away from the window, and went out from his room. And went to look for Claude.


"Claude? Come here.." Alois commanded. While he was in the hall ways.

Then in a flash.

Claude was there behind him. Alois turned around, and saw him. He then turned back. "Were going somewhere....cancel everything...." Alois said. Claude looked at him emotionless as always. Alois didnt mind it. "Where are we going?" Claude asked. "To Undertaker....I have some business with him." Alois said.

Claude nodded, and went to prepare the carraige. Alois was left alone again. He wanted to meet with Undertaker. He knows that He's a shinigami. A retired one. He could ask him...when will he die. Why ask that? Because he knows that he isnt going to be in this world any longer. As if he can feel that he is already so close to death.

So...before he dies...he wanted to spend it with Angelica...atleast. Atleast feel that he's love..and wanted..before he dies. Thats his last wish...Before he dies.


Alois and Claude took off to go to Undertakers shop in London. It was just a quiet ride. Claude was with him inside. Alois just starring out the window. He didnt mind the silence inside. And his mind drifted off to Angelica. He wondered how was she doing. If she was all right. If she had moved on, or did she still love him.

Ofcourse she moved on. You told her too remember? His mind said. Alois didnt react. But a short pain shot through his heart. Yes he did told her to move on. If only he hadnt said it. But at some part of him, he still hoped for Angelica to still love him.

That would be a miracle..


After somewhat seemed like hours of ridding in silence. They both finally reached the city of london. And finally reached Undertakers shop. Claude helped Alois out of the carraige. And once Alois got out. He ordered him to stay outside, and wait for him. Claude obeyed silently. And Alois had proceeded inside.

"Undertaker? Are you in here?" Alois called out, as he went in. "My my~! Earl Trancy~! What brings you here~? Come to measure your coffin I say???~" Undertaker said, while he appeared out of nowhere. Alois turned around, and faced him. "Im not here for that. I want to ask you something." Alois said.

"Well......what would that be then young earl?" Undertaker asked, while eating some bone shaped cookies. "I wanted to ask you...when will I die?" Alois said, straight forward.

Undertaker stopped at what he was doing for a momment. Then said. "My...why would you ask that earl? You have many years ahead of you you know. And why ask me? I cant tell any of it, I'm not a god you know." He said.

Alois tsked. "You damn well what am I talking about! Your a Shinigami! Dont lie to me!" He said. While pointing a finger. "I ont really know what your talking about young earl..~ Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" Undertaker asked. Alois tsked.

"Dont lie to me!! I know that your a damn death god! So dont hide it from me!" Alois yelled at him. While grabbing Undertakers collar. Both of them were silent. Until, Undertaker flashed him a smirk. And, he removed Alois' hands on him. "...hehe~ So persistent arent you little earl?~ Fine...I will admit..I'm a shinigami..but retired." He said, while grabbing a cookie shapped bone from the jar. And took a bite.

"..But can you tell me...when will I die..? I need" Alois said, hesitantly. Alois cant help but feel something off already. Like he's already going to die soon. And its just so close. Like he can feel it. All he just want is that, before he dies. He will spend his last moments with Angelica. Thats what he wants...atleast he got the feeling of love for the first time in forever..

"Are you sure m'lord? You know many have gone crazy because of this.." Undertaker warned as he got a book from his top shelf. And dusted it off. "I dont care. Just tell me!" Alois demanded rather harshly. Undertaker just nodded, and opened the huge large book.

"..Your lucky I still have the copy of the records...normaly I cant go back to the shinigami world and get it. But atleast I have my own collection here.." Undertaker said. While flipping through the pages. Alois' heart was beating fast. Still nervous.

And suddenly, Undertaker stopped at a certain page. And alois became tense. As he could only hear the sound of his heart beat quickly. " seems odd...." Undertaker said. "What what is it?" Alois asked. " you have two days when you is very far away from now..." Undertaker said, while still looking at the book very closely.

"And the other one..?" Alois asked in a shakey breath..

"..Well....the" Undertaker said.



but anyways here's the update enjoy~

In love with Alois trancy (2nd place in the Kurowatty awards 2014)Where stories live. Discover now