Chapter 31

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"Its been awhile since I last held you like this...." Alois said. While cuddling with Angelica on his bed. It was already late at night. And the two were still awake. "Mm...yeah...its been awhile.." Angelica said softly, loud enough for him to hear. Alois smiled down at her, and kissed her fore head. And held her tightly, as if he was afraid that she will escape from him grasp if he dosent do that.

Angelica giggled. "Alois, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just here." She said. "I know." He sighed. "If you know then stop squeezing the air out of me." Angelica whined. Alois loosed his grip a little. But still strong enough to hold her. "..I'm staying..whether you like it or not. I will stay, you wont get rid of me easily." Angelica said. Alois chuckled. "I know...and besides...I dont even know if I will let you go. Because its too much to handle now....I dont know if I will handle it again. I cant stand it..!" He said, as he burried his face on the crook of her neck.

Angelica closed her eyes.

He was right...

They dont know if they can handle being separated again, after how many weeks of not seeing each other. Was hell, even for the both of them. They cant stand it anymore. And now, they are just making up for all the time thats lost. "I missed you...." Angelica murmured, while burrowing her head against his chest. "I missed you too Angel.." Alois said. 

And they just enjoyed the silence that was surrounding them. But Alois began to drift his mind of to a few days ago..where he saw the Grim reapers records. Where he saw that he was going to die. He really thought that he would die today....where Ciel stabbed him. He could've died. And if he did, he wouldnt be holding Angelica like this. that he wouldnt get to see her again. His expression changed. 'Should I tell her...?' He thought. 

Still arguing with himself, he was snapped back to reality when he heard Angelica called his name. "..alois? Alois you aren't listening to me." Alois looked down at her, which now they we're both looking at each other.

"Sorry...I zoned out for a bit, that's all." He said. "..I know you  Alois.. when you're zoning out like that. Something is in your mind that you're not telling me." Angelica said sternly. But with a bit of concern, in her voice.

Alois chuckling, and kissed her fore head. "You know me too well.." he said. "Aside that you are contracted to a demon, I think it counts." Angelica turned to him. "Yet, you still havent told me why did Ciel stabbed you...and almost killed you.."

Her eyes we're full of worry, fear and determined to find out the reason. Were all mixed together.

Silence was around them for awhile. And only the candle flickering and the sound of the grandfather clock could be heard.

Alois sighed. "..I'll tell you then.." and he began to explain why, and the reason Ciel stabbed him..


"So he thinks you murdered his parents? Why would he think that?" Angelica asked, as her eyes narrowed at confusion while hearing his explanation. Alois sighed, and ruffled his hair. "I don't even know him before....and I never even knew his parent's.  I don't know anything!" He said.

Angelica began to wonder why. She knew Alois is older than Ciel by one year. And how can he murder someone he doesn't even know or heard about..? This just do sent make any sense. She thought. 

"...I told him that I didn't kill anyone. That I never knew his parents. That his damn Butler is lying to him. But-" he stopped, as a memory flashed through his mind. Of how Ciel stabbed him. And left him there bleeding. And Claude...

Not helping him...


Angelica snapped him back into reality. Alois looked at her. And she placed a hand on his cheek. "..what matters are are here with me....we're together now." She said.

Alois smiled a bit, then faltered after. "..but for how long...? My wish is almost complete...I don't know how long will this last..." tears formed in his eyes. Claude had told him earlier that his wish was almost complete. That, he had only little time left.

He didn't know what to do...he needed to tell Angelica, just broke his heart at the thought of it..

Angelica brought him close to her and gave him a hug. But not to tight. Alois hugged back a bit slowly. And hurried his face at the crook of her neck. "'s okay...let's not mind it....and...just focus on each other.." she said, and both of them lied down at the bed. Wrapped in each others warmth.

But even though they have each other now.  Their minds wouldn't rest the coming pain, as another comes again...but they just hold on to each other.

But for how long..?

In love with Alois trancy (2nd place in the Kurowatty awards 2014)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang