Chapter 1

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Angelica's POV

"Miss, miss, its time to wake up now." I heard a voice say.

I groned, and saw the maid pushing aside the curtains. To let the sunlight in.

"Ok, i'm up." I said.

The maid nodded and start heating up the water. I washed my face with the cold water. And after the water was heatened up. I told her to leave, and let me bath alone.

She nodded. And left the room. I closed the door, and started to remove my night gown, and started to go and went in the water. 


After that, I wored already my dress and fixed my hair, and went down stairs to eat.

I went to the dining room, and started to sit down.

"Oh, good mourning dear." My parents said.

"Good mourning." I said, without giving an eye contact to them.

I sat down, and began to eat. We were having our silent meal as always. I didnt mind if it was too silent. I didnt even care at all anyway's.

Then, the maid comes in, and started whispering something to my parents.

"Sigh...him again?" My Father said. The maid nodded, and they immediately stood up.

"Another meeting?" I said, in a bit harsh tone. 

"Yes. Sorry dear. But me and your father will return as soon as possible." Mother said. Its always the same excuse. 

"ok then..." I said, while drinking my tea. 

And I was left in the dinning room. Alone again.

I'm already used to be alone. I dont even care what happens to me. I dont care of what they think. theyre just a couple of people who just want power and money.

I already kno that sooner, or later that they will have no more money. And they'll sell me to some people and give them a fortune. 

Sigh....they just act that they are the only ones here. I dont even care of what will happen anymore.. I went to the piano room, and started to play the piano. This is where I can pour all my sadness and anger to. 

As each time I play the piano. It gets sadder and sadder by the minute. I dont even bother. Its just so..beautiful....

After I played, I went out of the manor to go to the garden. And have some fresh air. i ordered some of the maids to get me some tea. And they did what I asked. 


After awhile, i heard a carriage came. They must be back from their "Meeting" 

"...How are we going to pay them all, Richard?!" I heard my mom said, as they went down of the carraige.

"I dont know. I dont want to give them everything I worked hard for." father said.

"But if we dont give them that much...we will be in poverty. And I hate it when i'm in those filthy places." my mother said dramaticaly. 

i know I have no right to laugh at them but, I just did it silently. Thats the effect my dear parents. if you dont even know how to value something. Everything will go away, like it was swept by the wind.

"Sigh....I know what to do Miranda." My father said. what does that person have on his mind right now. Then he whispered something to my Mom. Then she seemed to love that Idea. Huh. It looks like, i'm going to be sold after all.

that seem a bit quick.

They went inside already. I didnt want to know what theyre planning. So I just want to stay here at the garden. But then the maid called for me

Sigh....I just want to be left alone....I stood up and went inside.

"What is it?" i asked.

"well have a see...we are going to be in poverty soon. And also..we need more money." My father said.

"So your point is?" I said. 

"We want you to get married, with the earl of the trancy. Alois." Mother said. 

I heard about him...hes the queens spider, a noble who is with the queen.. And also he's very rich. Tch. So, what they think, if I can get married to him. The money will also go to them. heh...

"Ok, I see how it is. Just throwing me to some earl that I dont even know, will give you more money? What kind of people are you?" I spat.

"Young lady! You have no right to-" i cut my mom saying.

"have the right to what? Talk to you like that? Such a lame excusse.." I said. 

"Listen Angelica! We are your parents. You dont have any right to talk back at us! Dont you want us to be more rich?!" Mother said.

"Rich? Tch. You only care about the money and stuffs. Thats why you are getting courrupted! I wish would be born to a peasant family who is happy on what they have, instead of nobles who want more." I said, walking away.

"On what ever you say, angelica. We already arranged the marraige. Once you turn 18, you will be married to him. As for now, you will move to his mansion." Father said.

"I dont care.." I said, as I slam my door room shut and locked it.

I went inside my wardrobe to let me cry in peace. Why is my life like this? Are they really that greedy?! I wish I shoudnt be born in this family. Of such people who are so mean....

I stayed inside my wardrobe, like a child. And never wanted to come out. I overheard from my parents that i'll be moving into the earl's mansion in 2 days.

Yes, ive heard about him. But havent met him n person yet. Some people say that he's a creepy person. And also some people say he's a saddist too. Well.....i dont even know the person yet. I think he's just a brat who have such personalities.

Ever since then...I never speak to my parents. I'm ok with that. They never even loved me. Or so thats what. they think i'm like trash. And I can be replaced.

Well, certenly theire my parents after all. And also this is a good oportunity. Since I wont be seeing them anymore.


Its been already two days. The maids were preparing me to go to the trancy estate. They were putting me on the dress that my mother just bought. I have to admit that this dress is beautiful in any other way.

They fixed my hair, and put on a little ribbon.

"Kya, Madame angelica looks like a doll! She's so cutee!!" The maids said.

I mentaly facepalmed myself. And went down to go inside my carraige. My parents were out somewhere. They know that i'm going already to the trancy estate. I dont even care what do they want.

But I have no choice though..whats in it for me there anyway? Will my life change? or it will be still miserable...? 

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