「Sweeter than cake」 Nagisa Hazuki x Reader

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Here is another one-shot, this one is about the sweet-lover penguin Nagisa! Hope you like it~

(Y/N)'s Pov.
You were walking through the Iwatobi High-School halls, you knew that you should be in class right now, but you didn't feel well and started to walk to the infirmary. Why? All because one person, Nagisa Hazuki.
It was a sunny day an you were walking in a park, you saw your friend, and long time crush, Nagisa. You were about to talk to him until you saw him with a maroon-haired girl, they were laughing and smiling aot, the girl was blushing a bit. You couldn't bare it. But you didn't blame Nagisa, she was good looking and had gorgeous hair with sparkling eyes, while you were completely normal. Let's be concrete, you shouldn't have chosen you either.
~End of Flashback~
All that happened yesterday, and then today you saw them together again. You sighed, knowing that they were a couple, and when you wanted to talk with Nagisa he always said that he was busy or that he had to study with Rei. With all of that in mind you entered the infirmary and rested on the infirmary's bed. You were trying hard not to cry, whenever you thought about Nagisa and the girl, you felt a little piece of your heart shatter. It was a slow and painful torture. You sighed again, knowing that you had to get over the blonde candy lover boy... "I never had a chance, though..." You thought. He always treated you like a best friend, no, like a sister. Because, what's worst that being in the friend-zone? Being in the sister-zone. And that's right where you think you are. You started to feel sleepy, so you decided just to sleep and forget your problems in your sleep.

Nagisa's Pov.
I was walking to the infirmary to see (Y/N), she looked like she was dizzy and asked the teacher if she could go to the infirmary, so I'm going to check on her. In my way to the infirmary I saw Gou and ran towards her, tackling her into a bear hug. "Gou-Chan~!! Hi~!!!" I said. She sighed and laughed softly. "Hi Nagisa!" She said. "Where are you going Gou?" I asked, curious. "I'm going to watch onii-chan's practice!" She said, I smiled and nodded. "Good luck, Gou-Chan!!" She nodded and walked away. I started walking towards the infirmary again. Maybe it's time to confess? I was talking about that with Gou the other day.
I was walking with Gou talking about my long time crush named (Y/N). She was laughing and said. "I think she likes you too!" I blushed and said. "Really?! Should I confess?!" Gou smiled and said. "I think you should!" We kept talking about that for some time until we had to go back to our houses.
~End of Flashback~
I walked in the infirmary and saw (Y/N) sleeping peacefully. I sat in a chair besides her bed and took her hand in mine, after some minutes I drifted to sleep.

(Y/N)'s Pov.
You woke up and saw blonde hair in front of you, you felt something in your hand and when you looked you saw a hand. You looked at the person who was there and it was Nagisa. You blushed furiously and looked at him. He looked so cute!! You smiled and leaned in and kissed his forehead. He woke up and you panicked. "You're awake now, (Y/N)-Chan...?" He said with a sleepy voice, which made your heart flutter. "I-I'm awake! W-why are you h-here Nagisa-Kun?" You asked stuttering, he smiled and answered. "I came here to see you! I also have something to say, but let's go to a cake shop!" You smiled back and nodded, you saw your watch and saw it was already 3:45 pm! You slept all the day. You sweat dropped and stood up with Nagisa.
~Time Skip to the Cake Shop brought to you by Lazy Author~
In the cake shop Nagisa ordered your favorite cake and a strawberry cake. You looked at him and asked. "Well, what did you wanted to tell me?" He blushed a bit. He started. "I like this girl, and I think she likes me too. Give me advice?" Your heart felt like it had just been broken completely, you ate a bit of your cake and forced a smile and said. "I think you should tell her." He said. "But if I'm to shy in front of her?" He took a bite of his cake, you said. "Then show her..." He nodded and stood up. "He's going to leave now..." You thought. He walked towards you and leaned in, you blushed furiously. He then pressed his lips with yours locking them in a sweet, loving kiss. Your eyes where wide open, but after a second you started kissing back with the same amount of sweetness, and love. He smiled to you and said. "I love you, (Y/N)-Chan~!" You smiled and said. "I love you too, Nagisa-Kun!" You hugged each other and he whispered in your ear. "You know, (Y/N)-Chan... You're sweeter than cake~"

Did you like it? I hope you did!!! I put a lot of effort in Nagisa! Working on:
❤️Rin x Reader
❤️Makoto x Reader
Thanks for reading! Love ya~

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