「Alone.」Rin Matsuoka x Reader

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Hello! This is a request by nishimaki

I hope you like it! :3

Like you know I'll do a special crossover and this are the most voted:
- Kuroko No Basuke
- Haikyuu!
- Prince Of Stride
- Ouran High-school Club

¡Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters NOR the anime itself!

⚠️Warning: This story contains Angst and self-harming. If you're not comfortable with this, I recommend you stop right now and DON'T READ THIS.⚠️

Everyone looked at you as you entered the school, looking at you either with pity or with amusement.

But, who could blame them? It was something that even you were ashamed of. Really, you wanted to slap yourself badly because of it.

"Do you think she is ok?" You heard someone ask. You sighed and continued walking until you felt someone grab your hand, making you stop in your tracks.

"Are you okay, (First Name)-Senpai...?" You looked back towards the voice to find Matsuoka Gou looking at you with sadness and worry. You shrugged, and took your hand away from her, continuing your path towards the rooftop.

"Hey, Rin! You broke up with her already?" Someone said, not so far away from you. You peeked and saw Rin with 3 other guys, looking at him with amusement while Rin was looking bored and exasperated. "Yeah, I broke up with her." Rin said, rolling his eyes. "So, how was dating a loner like her?" Another one asked. "Tsk, she was really lame and insecure of herself, she was extremely annoying and I just couldn't help but think that I know why she is always so alone." Rin answered looking at them, with a little smirk showing his shark-like teeth.

Before you could hear another heart-aching word, you ran out of there, feeling your tears blurry your vision and making you feel weak.

You made it to the rooftop and you bawled your eyes and heart out, never have you felt so broken. You walked over to the edge of the building and looked down, remembering the words he told you.

"I think it's best if we just stop seeing each other."

"W-what...? I-is this a joke..? I-It's not funny, Rin! Stop it..."

"It's not a joke. I'm sorry (First Name)..."

"Why..? Why did I do, Rin? Tell me please, I can change, I can-"

"Just shut up already! That's why I broke up with you, you're not comfortable with who you are. And you are really jealous of everything. Goodbye, (Last Name)."

You sobbed loudly before you fell down, all your life began showing itself like a movie and the words that hurt you the most were the ones you heard the most.

You felt the wind in you, and then you felt nothing. You could see and hear everything, but in slow motion. This was supposed to happen, you were planning on doing it anyway.

"(First Name)-Chan..!! No! Please stay awake!" You could see the tears streaming down (Best Friend's Name)'s face, she was broken and held your hand to her chest.

"Move out of the place, what's wro- Holy shit! What the fuck?!" You heard his voice. You saw him reaching out his hand to touch you, but (Best Friend's Name) slapped his hand away. "Don't touch her you bastard! Go away!" She said, while her tears came flowing down like a cascade.

He ignored her and sat down next to you. "(Last Name) why the hell did you do this?! You could've lived without me! So just fucking stay awake. I don't love you, but there are people that does! You have to fucking live for them, you ignorant girl!" He said, you felt something wet falling down on your face and saw him crying.

"... You..."

Everyone looked surprised to see you talking, your crying friends were watching you with so much hurt in their eyes that you had to move your head to the side to not watch them.

"You are... A liar... I'll be alone... Now... Like... You always... Thought I was..."

Everyone went wide eyed at your final words, until you took your last breath and became limp.

Rin's eyes became null, and he could just think that he'd be alone from now on forward.

Until the day he dies.

So, did you like it? 'Cause I think I totally ruined this thing :D

Also sorry it is too short, I really didn't know what to write so yeah.

Please vote for one of the animes I mentioned before!

Oh, don't forget to:
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- Share 👥

Love ya! *Throws kisses and gives you food*

LucyHeartfiliaLove ❤️
LovelyShadowsOfMusic 🎶

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