「Hey, Class President.」Mikoshiba Seijuro x Reader. LEMON.

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For the sake of this one-shot Samezuka academy is going to be for women too! *Laughs loudly*

I'm sorry for not updating, I was trying to make this great :3

So here you go you lil pervert lovers! *Wink wink*



You were walking down the corridor towards your homeroom class, your silky (Hair Length and Color) flowing behind you as you move swiftly and elegantly, your beautiful (Eye Color) eyes sparkled with a mature glint, your hips swaying to the sides as you made your way through the students who admired your persona.

As you entered the classroom, you were greeted by two students bullying another one. You coughed slightly, directing the attention of the bullies towards yourself and you placed your hands on your hips. The two students went pale and you raised an eyebrow questioningly. "What were you two doing?" You asked, more like demand, the two bullies with a strong, stern voice.

"N-nothing! W-we were... Umm... Talking!" One of them said, shivering at the cold gaze you were giving. You pointed to their seats. "Sit down. Now." They scurried off and went to their seats fear written in their faces.

You bent down to the other student's level and smiled warmly, your eyes shining with sweetness and giving off a comforting aura. "Are you alright?" He blushed at the caring tone you used. He nodded softly and you ruffled his hair. "Go to your seat, okay (Random Guy's Name)-Kun?" You said softly and he went to his seat blushing madly. "Thank you, Class President (Last Name)-San!"

That's right, you were the class president. Someone the students could rely on, and someone the teachers could trust in. Everyone admired your personality and your maturity.

A lot of guys often confessed their love for you, but you knew that it was only admiration. Everyone often confused those two terms.

You, obvioulsy, had a flaw.

Everyone does.

But yours was something you were ashamed of, and you never wanted someone to find out.

Normally when someone misbehaved, teachers gave them detention, and they would have to stay with you. But you let them off, with a warning and making them promise they won't do it again.


Because you stayed after school in the classroom and played with yourself.

Yes that's right, the 'Perfect Class President' was a total pervert. You were a total pervert.

You sat down on your seat at the very back in the corner, were you watched all the students better, and clamped your legs shut tightly.

Stuck in your womanhood was a vibrator, your walls were wet and begging for more, but you had to wait until the day was over to play with the dildos inside your bag.

Your lips curled into a small smile thinking of all the toys you brought to play.

A small whimper escaped your lips, as the vibrator inside of you began moving faster, but you covered it with a cough.

The teacher entered, making you to focus of the class and take notes. Everything was silent until....


The door was opened loudly, and Mikoshiba Seijuro entered. You groaned mentally, prepared for the speech you'd give him for him not to get detention.

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