Chapter 11

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  Patrick's POV
I wake up and freak out for a second. I totally forgot I feel asleep with Anna. Last night was amazing I just need to know what it meant to her. Does she like me? Or was it a mistake?

I just lay there thinking about what happened last night. I was taking in all of Anna's features. Her brown slightly curly hair, soft pink lips... Gosh I want to kiss them again, her cute nose. I hear a light moan come from her and she moves her head higher on my chest. She slightly opens her eyes for a second. "Good morning Anna" I whisper not wanting to be too loud. She moans again and says morning. She moves her head again so she's looking at me. I want to kiss her but I don't know if I should.

She must of noticed me glancing down at her lips as she says "you know you can if you want to Patrick" I guess she's fine with it then. I place my lips on hers and kiss her softly since she's only just woken up. She instantly kisses back. After 15 seconds or so she pulls away. I want to know how she feels about this so I ask her.

"Anna?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to be rejected.
"Yeah?" She replies still kind of sleepily.
"What are we? I mean after that?" I ask awkwardly as I am quite an awkward person.
"What do you want us to be?" She asks adjusting her position on my chest so she can see my face clearly now.
"Together" I shyly say, avoiding eye contact just incase she doesn't want that.
"Okay" She replies happily, sounding more awake now.
"So we're together?" I ask, double checking.
"You're so romantic Pat, you didn't even ask me" She says sarcastically.
"Ah well then, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I say confidently knowing that her answer will be yes.
"Of course I do Trick" She says moving in for another kiss.

Anna's POV
What am I thinking? Of course I like Patrick but it's just gonna make it harder for me to end it. And it would make Patrick feel horrible. Why did I do this? I'm an idiot. I can't change my mind now. I'm doing it. My date was set... A month from today. Why today of all days?

I try not to think about that and snuggle back into Patrick and try to go back to sleep. It's only 7 and the guys don't have sound check until 4. Maybe another 3 hours sleep would be good. But I can't stop thinking about how much I'm going to hurt Patrick. Maybe I'll not want to do it by then. That can't happen I've been planning this for months.

I wake up two hours later, not even remembering falling asleep again. Patrick is already awake and scrolling through something on his phone. But he's not wearing his glasses so I reach down to grab them. "Oh morning again Anna, I didn't want to wake you" He says, squinting at this phone. "You dork you need your glasses" I can't help but laugh how adorable he can be. "Remember which ones are yours?" He puts on one pair then takes them off and places them on my face realising that they were mine.

I sit up and lean against the wall of my bunk. How is this even possible? I'm dating Patrick Stump. I've imagined this for so long, I mean what fangirl hasn't? That still sounds quite creepy.

We should probably get up and make or go get some breakfast. Since I'm awkward and weird I lay on top of Patrick then roll of the bed. Forgetting that it's not a bottom bunk.

When I hit the floor I can't help but laugh at my clumsy and forgetfulness. Patrick jumps off and comes to see if I'm okay. He looks concerned and worried at first but relaxes a little bit when he sees I'm laughing. I sit up and Patrick sits next to me. "Well that didn't work how I wanted it to" I say still laughing. Patrick stops me from laughing by pressing his lips onto mine, quite forcefully as well. But I'm not gonna lie it was nice. "Better?" Patrick asks before I nod in response before kissing him again. That one kiss kind of turns into a makeout session on the floor of the bus.

I hear a cough from the door which makes me pull away from Patrick and look up. And standing there of course is Brendon.

Both Patrick and I are bright red from blushing. Brendon is still confused at what is going on between us. After a while of just staring at us confused he comes and sits in front of both of us and starts to ask a lot of questions. "Are you two dating?, Was that the first time you guys have kissed?, What did I miss?.." He continues on with stupid questions until I get him to shut up by quickly kissing Patrick to get his attention. "Okay be quiet, yes we are dating and no that wasn't the first time, now if you speak a word about that to anyone I will make sure you regret it" I say smiling creepily. Hmm what could I do? Prank him a lot? Boring. Hmm I'll think of something just incase. We all know how Brendon likes to gossip.

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