Chapter 12

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// Sadie //

"Come on." I whine as Aymie takes forever to pack her suitcase. "If we're not at the airport in twenty minutes our asses are getting left." I sigh. "I'm coming,I'm coming." She says. Though she's not facing me,I know she probably rolled her eyes.

Yesterday had been spent by chilling out in the hotel room until smack down. Then we went,Watched that,And drove back to the hotel room. We hadn't seen Dean yesterday,I made sure of that. I'd ducked and dodged him as much as I possibly could.

After our kiss the night before,I wasn't in the mood to speak to him. He's just playing games now and I'm not willing to participate in them. I'd rather just avoid him as much as possible. Lucky for me,I'll be on a break for the next few days so I won't have to worry about him.

"Alright I'm ready. Let's head to New York." She smirks.

I smile. I can't say I'm excited to be going home to see mom,But I am quite happy to be moving to Florida.

Our plan is simple. When we get home,It'll be around 11 am. We'll have lunch,Catch up with mom,And then pack everything we possibly can. When all that's done we'll call it a day before packing some more tomorrow. Then on Friday we'll be flying to Florida. When we get there,Aymie will probably just rest up but I'll unpack as much as I can. Then on Saturday,I'll finish what I can before I have to fly out to London,Because we'll be just starting the European tour which I can't wait for.

It'll be a bit busy and a little hectic,But we'll get everything done.

"Stop standing there and let's go." Aymie laughs pulling at my arm. I roll my eyes before playfully shoving her and running out of the door. I bump into a hard chest and gasp as I fall back. I manage to keep myself from falling. "Sorry." I giggle.

I look up and sigh as I notice that it's Dean. He smirks at me before nodding. "Yeah it's okay. Excited for your break?" He asks. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Why in the heck is he speaking to me as though nothing happened? As though everything is normal? He kissed me two days ago and I've been avoiding him like the plague ever since. He's not stupid he knows I'm upset with him.

"Yeah." I mutter quietly.

"Well I'll be darned if it ain't Dean Ambrose himself." Aymie says,Standing next to me. He laughs,Probably at her horrible southern accent,Before pulling her into a small side hug. I can't help but be jealous. Why can't me and him get along and be normal and have decent conversation like he does with Aymie? Why can't he be nice to me?

"Well kiddo. I suppose I can say I'll miss you being around. You're quite fun if I do say so myself." He chuckles. She waves him off before flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Oh,You aren't telling me anything I don't already know Deano. You should feel honored to have met me."

He rolls his eyes at her. "Sure. Anyways,You two enjoy your flight alright? I have to go meet Roman at the gym." He says. He kisses her forehead and gives her one last hug before standing in front of me and doing the same.

When he walks away,Me and Aymie stand there for a little bit. All I can think is...What the heck just happened and why did it happen? Maybe he's been drinking? I think that could be it... "Alright let's go before we're late." I mumble.


"It's so good to see you again!" Mom says hugging me. "Are you alright?" She asks. I stare at her for a moment before putting on a smile and nodding. "Yes,Mom I'm doing just fine." I talk to her slowly, Hoping that that'll make her understand,Though I'm sure it won't.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes I'm sure."

We have this conversation every time we talk. She acts as if I tried to end my life just yesterday. She treats me as if I'm still fragile,As if I'm in desperate need for her help. Funny. She wouldn't do that when I really needed it.

"So how has tour life been? Fast,Exciting? Have you found a man? Cause I want grand kids." She grins. "Um,No grand kids yet." No grand kids ever sadly. "Well...Why are we just standing outside? You two come on in." She smiles.

I sigh a little before looking towards Aymie who'd been glaring at mom slightly. She rolls her eyes before walking forward and I follow after her. Once we're inside the house,Mom closes the door and tells us she'll go into the kitchen and grab us some cookies.

"This is already hell." Aymie whispers. "I hate being around her. She acts as if she hasn't been a horrible fucking mom to us."

"Come on Aymie,We're only staying until Friday. We'll survive." I'm trying to convince myself more than I am her. "She really isn't all that bad." I mutter. I jump a little as her shrill voice yells out 'They're sugar free because I don't want you two to get fat!'

I sigh. It's all good,Everything will be fine.

A/N: Just a filler. Next chapter will time jump to Sunday.

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