Chapter 31

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*Two hours later*

// Dean //

I groan when I hear banging on my door. I honestly don't feel like dealing with people today.

"Open this door before I bust this shit down!"

My eyebrows shoot up once I notice that the person who yelled that sounds a lot like Aymie. I don't want to answer the door. That would mean getting up from my spot on the floor and I'm not in the mood for that. But why is she yelling so loudly and banging on the door so hard? What if something is wrong?

I sigh before standing up and quickly walking towards the door. As soon as I open it,Aymie storms in,Pushing me to the side in the process. "What the h-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP DEAN!" She screams. "You two will be the fucking death of me I swear on god. You can't get your god damn shit together and that-That fucking bitch takes it out on me?! Oh I never thought I'd go to jail but I'm this close. THIS CLOSE. I don't give a DAMN. I wanna fight somebody because I am not the mother fucking one-"

"Aymie what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask in confusion.

Aymie stops pacing and turns to glare at me. "You. Sadie. You guys are what's wrong with me."


"Sadie,My poor,dear,Upset sister came to me sobbing because apparently your dumb ass broke up with her,For about the millionth time if I may add." She growls. "Anyways,She was telling me about everything that happened and by the way,You need your fucking ass whooped. And anyways,After she was done telling me I tried to give her ass some advice and she fucking-That girl had the nerve to get pissed at me." She yells. "Anyways,I'm here to figure out what's running through your mind. I wanna know why you just broke my sister's heart when you literally just claimed to 'really like her'" She spats.

I sigh before running my hand through my hair and sitting on my bed. Aymie is pissed off enough already and she's not gonna leave until she has answers. There's no use in lying to her.

"I'm not really mad at Sadie because of my suspension. I don't honestly give a damn about that. Not right now. I just,When I got out of Hunter and Stephanie's office I realized that yesterday I put my job at risk because of some simple flirtation from a random stranger in a bar. Don't get me wrong I'd do it again in a heart beat,But it kind of freaked me out. I'm so protective of Sadie and that's strange for me. It's just odd for me to think that I actually have someone that I really,Truly care about again. I'm just a little scared that once again,The feeling isn't mutual." I mutter.

"Well...I didn't know all that." She mumbles. "Well that's still no excuse for the way you treated her. You have to learn to talk about these things so that Sadie can know. You can't just go off on her and you definitely can't blame her for random things all the time. She already felt guilty enough before you did."

"I know. I'm just not good at this stuff." I sigh.

"Well get good at it,Damn it." She growls. "Because I love my big sister so much. But the next time she gets hot with me and gets that attitude with me,Me and her gone throw them hands. Ain't nothing for her to swing!" She yells. "Now go fix shit with my sister."

"Well I can't." I say. "There's no way she'll want to see me just yet and I don't know what I'd even say. I just need time to think." "Fine. Think all you want. I'm going to the gym. I need to blow off some steam." She shrugs.

"Alright." I nod.

"Yeah. And listen Dean,I'm a big fan of you and I really look up to and respect you." She smiles. "But the next time you hurt my sister me and you will be in that parking lot throwing down like we're professional boxers." She spats. "Try me."

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