chapter 5

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At work

Penelope's (P.O.V.)

Derek and I just pulled up to work and Derek runs around to my door and opens it for me."oh thank you my Prince","you are ever so welcome my queen". I giggle and Derek locks his car and grabs my waist while walking in, we get to the elevator and everybody is staring at us and we don't care, the elevator opens up we get on and click 6 we are alone on the elevator. I pushed his hand off my waist and put my hands around his neck and kiss him ever so gently until JJ says "hey guys"," oh hey JJ wassup", I say nervously,"nothing much just watching you two that's all". "Don't tell Aaron","don't tell Aaron what"hotch said "nothing","Garcia don't tell me what",Hotch says"Derek help" I say," me and Penelope are dating okay nosy we we're going to surprise you guys"."ok that's all I thought it was something else","what do you mean by that","I already knew you two were going out","how did you know?", "a little birdie told me"then he looked to Rossi."I love you all especially you Derek but I need to talk to Rossi be right back","uh oh Rossi run you made Garcia mad" JJ said, Rossi looked up then saw a mad garcia "oh shit garcia wassup"," nothing much but me trying to have a relationship with my best friend and you telling HOTCH!!!!","Penelope don't be mad it was an accident I'm sorry don't kill me"," Penelope, baby girl come here". I ignore him.

Derek's (P.O.V.)

I was afraid that Penelope was going to hurt Rossi so I stepped in and said "Penelope, baby girl come here". She ignored me I walked to her and said her name again she still ignored me so I did what I had to do I didn't care who saw I grabbed Penelope and dipped her and kiss her passionately. I lifted her back up she stumbled and nearly fell but I caught her,"damn Derek can you kiss or what","I strive to be the best" we turned around to see the entire precinct staring at us Penelope started blushing and I put my arm around her shoulders and walked her to her office she looked embarrassed,I looked over to see the team making kissy faces and making hearts with their hands, my baby girl blew them a kiss and I grabbed her chin and kissed her. We walked inside her office and talked for a minute until Penelope asked me to fix something under her desk and I fixed it then I turned around and I could see right up her dress and I was thinking very inappropriate thoughts and I didn't want to act on them at work. I was pinned in the desk so the only way to get out was for her to move so I grabbed her thighs and she jumped up and got close to the door. I was smiling as I got from under the desk she asked me "Derek why did you do that, that was very inappropriate"," I don't care", "well you should we are at work and your grabbing My thighs","I'm sorry I just can't help myself your so damn hot","well I already know that but you don't need to make a move on me at work ok wait until we get home.

Well this is chapter 5 I plan on making things happen *wink*wink

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