chapter 32

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The wedding day part 2

Penelope's (P.O.V.)

I hear someone knock on the door, "who is it" I ask.

"It's momma Morgan and the girls can we come in".

"Yes come on in" they come inside carrying Mariam.

I take Mariam from them, "hey baby girl" I kissed her forehead.

"Hey guys its really nice to see y'all again".

"It's nice to see you too Penelope" Desiree said

"Hey do you mind if I get my grand daughter dressed" Fran asked.

"Of course I don't mind she is your grand baby".

I handed her the outfit I picked for Mariam, "thank you".

"No prob".

She got her dressed while I got dressed too, I almost had it zipped up but my arm couldn't make it all the way, "hey can someone help me with the zipper".

"Yeah I'll help" Sarah said.

Sarah walked in and help me get zipped up. "Thanks Sarah".

"Your welcome sis", she gave me a hug.

"Ok now I have to get my hair and makeup done".

"Need help with your hair cause you definitely don't need help with makeup".

"Yeah sure it'll be fun" I say.

"Hey Desiree come help me with Penelope's hair" Sarah demands.

"Ok I'm coming", Desiree walked in.

"Ok how do you want it", they ask

"Whatever you think Derek will like" I say determined to please the man I love.

After we were all done we still had another hour to wait out so we just talked and had a good time.

Chelsea's (P.O.V.)

I am being helped by the girls since Penelope has 3 extra helpers. I hear someone knock on the door.

"Hey JJ can you get that I'm trying to zip up my dress" I ask.

"Yeah sure". She walked off towards the door.

"Hey Jaige who is it" I ask her.

"He claims to be your great uncle" she says confused.

"WHAT", I ran to the door to see my only great uncle. I jumped into his arms, he swung me around.

"Hey oompaloompa" he says.
"Hey uncle Mark I'm glad you could come".

"I'm glad to be here".

"can you do me a huge favor"

"Yes whatever it is I'll do it".

"Walk me down the isle".

"Of course I would do anything for my oompaloompa".

I started crying, "hey don't cry".

"I'm sorry I can't help it I missed you so much".

He kissed my forehead, "it's ok I'm here now".

"Oh my gosh you need to meet Laura", I ran to the baby crib and picked up Laura, I handed her to uncle Mark.

"Who is this" he asks very confused

"this is my daughter Laura your great great niece".

"Oh my goodness she looks just like you did when you were a baby except she has brown eyes".

"Wait one second you need to meet Spencer".

"Who is Spencer"

"My fiance and the father of my child".

"Oh this Spencer must be one tough guy to handle my oompaloompa".

"Nope he isn't strong he is a genius literally now stay here and watch Laura", I stuck my head out the door and screamed "SPENCER COME HERE", he ran up the stairs, uncle Mark walked outside to meet him and handed me Laura. I shut the door while they talked.

I finished getting dressed and we still had a half hour to wait, so we played with Laura.

Spencer's (P.O.V.)

I hear Chelsea scream my name from upstairs, I run up the stairs to see a very large man. "Hi who are you".

"I'm Chelsea's great uncle who are you" the man asks.

"I am Spencer Reid Chelsea's fiance and father of our daughter sir" I gulp from nervousness.

"Well in that case" he picked me up and gave me a giant hug. He sat me back down, "okay now what are we gonna do".

"Uh I can go introduce you to Chelsea's other family" I say.

"That would be perfect", we both walked downstairs.

"Hey guys this is Chelsea's great uncle mark" I say to the entire team.

"Hello sir nice to meet you, I'm David Rossi" Rossi said shaking his hand. Hotch did the same.

"Hey Mark I'm Derek Morgan I'm Penelope's fiance" instead of shaking hands he gave him a big hug.

"Dang you got a strong grip" Mark says.

"Same for you old man" Derek says.

"Old man I could beat you right now arm wrestling" Mark challenges Morgan.

"I bet not" Derek counteracts.

"I bet I can" said Mark.

They both pulled up their sleeves and got into positions.

"Ready, set, go" I say.

They start Derek is so close to winning but then Mark said. "Oh we started", he pulled back and pinned Morgan.

For the rest of the time we just sat around catching up on things we won't and will never miss about being single.

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