chapter 26

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Penelope's (P.O.V.) midnight

I woke up in the middle of the night stomach in pain, I went to the bathroom and all of a sudden my water broke. "DEREK WAKE UP"," I'm up" he ran into the bathroom," Derek my water just broke","what do you mean your water broke it's a couple weeks early","well dumb ass I'm going into labor so can you hurry the fuck UP","ok let's go", we got out to the car and I'm panicking, Derek called Hotch, it rang and rang "HOTCH PICK UP", then he answered, "Derek what is it?","PENELOPE'S GOING INTO LABOR I NEED HELP", then i screamed in pain, "Hotch meet us at the hospital can you call the rest of the team", "yeah on it see you soon", "bye".

Derek's (P.O.V.)

We pulled up to the hospital and we got out, we waddled inside, I ran to the front desk, "hi my fiance is going into labor","ok sir we need you to keep her calm","ok","now sit her down in a wheelchair and follow me", "ok", I did as she said, I followed her to a hospital room, I helped Penelope on a bed. "Ok Penelope I need to see how dilated you are","ok", I turned around giving her privacy. "Ok you are only 7 centimeters dilated","oh so I have 4 more to go","yeah we just have to wait and sir we need you to wait outside","no way I am not leaving her side","Derek go I'll be fine". "Fine but.. Ok I'll go find the team","ok love you","I love you four too", then the doctor and nurses said, "aww we love you too", "I was talking about my never mind..". I walked out to the waiting room to see the team already here, "hey guys","hey big guy how is Penelope doing","she is 7 centimeters dilated","oh really not too many to go","I know I can't wait to meet my beautiful baby girl and baby boys","what you are having one girl and two boys", "yes I can't wait to hold them and hug them"," wait does Penelope know","of course not she wants to find out during birth","great now we just wait".

A long time later, I am right beside Penelope, "breathe Penelope, breathe in breathe out", she does as I said, "ok give us a big push, ok you can handle this", "uhhh ahhh" Penelope screamed, then I heard the first baby cry, I walked over to see one of three of my babies, a boy. "Penelope a little boy come on two more, ok now push", she screamed again,"ok we have shoulders one last big push for this baby","ok Penelope you heard her one more big push","fine but Derek I fucking hate you", "aaahhhh" Penelope fell back on the bed. I went to see another little boy, "ok honey that's two boys","ok one more", she pushed as hard as she could, "this one came out feet first another big push Penelope","I can't do it I can't","yes you can I'm here for you", I kissed her cheek, "ok let's do this", "aaaaahhhh", I heard another little baby cry, and I saw my little girl. "Penelope a little girl","really","yeah and two little boys". "When can I see them","in a little bit honey", "actually she can see them now if you want","ok let's see them", some nurses brought us our babies, "do you guys want privacy", "yes please","ok", they left. I am holding our little princess and Penelope is holding our baby boys, "aww they are so small and cute" Emily said, I turned to see the team, "hey guys", I was cradling Mariam in my hands, "can I hold her", "yeah and her name is Mariam Mae Morgan, if it's ok with you Penelope","yeah Mariam is a really beautiful name", "ok what are the boys names","uh Steven Franklin Morgan, and Jamie Clyde Morgan","I love them", I could see the tears forming in Penelope's eyes, I kissed her cheek. Mariam started crying, Emily handed her to me, I cradled her, "you guys are gonna be great parents" Aaron said? "Thank you guys", Penelope yawned, the nurses came back, "hi sorry to interrupt we need to move the patient into a regular room","ok". They moved Penelope to a regular room and her and the babies fell asleep.

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