Chapter 22

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Penelope's (P.O.V.)

We pull up to the BAU we walked inside and got on the elevator, I clicked the 6th floor button. The doors opened we walked to the round table room with Chelsea, we sat down and waited for the team to arrive. First Spencer came in with JJ, then Rossi with Blake, and finally Hotch with Emily. "Hey guys what's so important", "Chelsea tell them"," so I know this is probably nothing but my ex Jason, I broke up with him a week ago and he took it horribly and I came here to talk to Penny, I called her and we started chatting then Jason's friend pulled me into an alley and started beating me with a pole, then I got rescued by them and they tracked Jason's cell to find out he is headed here and he texted me this morning that he will get me one way or another even if it takes killing"," oh my gosh are you okay?", then Spencer walked up to Chels, "yeah I'm fine and who might you be". "Oh excuse my manners I'm Dr. Spencer Reid"," you look a little young to be a doctor","oh yeah I'm- I have what again?", then Derek said, "hey look pretty boy is tongue tied, Chelsea I think he digs you",Chels started blushing, she looked into his eyes, "well that's understandable", "oh I see why you two are friends", Derek said while pointing at me and Chelsea. "Why of course we were the technical goddesses of hacking","yep we were and still are"," hey Spence stop staring at Chelsea that's weird", he bounced back, "it's also flattering", she said smirking, "hi I'm Hotch, this is Emily, this is JJ, this is Blake, and this is Rossi". Chelsea shook their hands, "hey guys I hate to be the person who breaks this up but you need to see this", Derek walked over and bent over beside me, "what is it sweet mama","well I just looked into Jason's life to find out he has major OCD and his mom was tooken from him when he was 14, he was abused my his father, and he has been troubled ever since","oh my, good work baby girl", he kissed my cheek. "I will keep looking, and you go find this SOB","baby girl of course you know me","I do and Chelsea I want you and Derek to come with me","ok". They followed me to my lair,I sat down and I started tracking his phone again, I jumped up, I backed away from my computer". "Baby, baby girl what is it","he's at your place looking for Chelsea","what he's at our house","I'm gonna tell Hotch", I ran in my heels to the round table tears running down, "guys he's at me and Derek's place", Emily and JJ ran up to me, "are you sure","yeah his phone tracked him back to our place","are you okay?","no I need Derek", then Derek came up to me and pulled me into him and hugged me. I pulled out of his grip and kissed him, I sped walked back to my office, "Chelsea when me and Derek leave you alone you chase after us and stay with us, I wouldn't forgive myself if the one person who helped me through all the hell in my life 10 years ago got killed, so please stay with us","ok I will now stop crying", she hugged me and started cleaning off my running mascara, "thanks", I said while chuckling. "No problem partner and hey can.. I ask.. You.. Something","yeah what is it", "you know that Reid kid, how old is he","oh I see you got the hots for Reid","shut up","oh I got to tell Morgan", I ran outside, "stop no don't","Morgan, Morgan","baby girl what is it","Chelsea likes Reid, I mean like likes Reid","what?", he started jumping up and down,"run now", we ran into the round table room, Chelsea ran in behind us, "I told you that in confidence"," sorry I can't keep secrets from my baby", the Reid ran in, "what's wrong","them they can't seem to keep anything to themselves", "hey guys leave Chelsea alone she's been through enough",he put his arm around Chelsea 's shoulders, and they walked out, "Reid got himself a girlfriend","go Reid", then Rossi walked in. "What the Hell was that"," Reid's got a girlfriend","what do you mean","they both like each other but won't tell the other","please don't let them be like you and wait 8 years", "hey","it's true".

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