chapter 34

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Penelope's P.O.V.

I wake up and feel a little stress off my shoulders because Fran took the babies with her. I miss my babies but I'm also happy I am married to the love of my life. Derek is face down on the bed and he is snoring really loud. We still can't have sex even though it has been 6 weeks. We just want to wait a little longer than necessary. I trail my fingernail up and down the back of his neck. He shifts to his side and slowly wakes up.

"Morning baby girl" he says is his groggy morning voice.

"Morning handsome" I say scooting off the bed.

I get off the bed and grab me a robe. I walk over to my suitcase and look for some clothes. I feel Derek wrap his arms around me and push himself on to me. I smile and shove him away.

"Derek I'm gonna get ready to take a shower" I say giggling.

"Come on we don't have to worry about the kids, it's just us, come on let's get it on" he says seductively.

"Oh remember the last time we got it on we ended up with 3 little miracles" I say.

"Come on please it's been more than 6 weeks since you had the kids and the doctor said you are able to have sex again" he tries to convince me.

"Derek I said no and that's is my final answer" I walk into the bathroom and slam the door.

I lock it and I hear him knock on the door. I ignore him and look In the mirror. I lay my hands on my stomach, I'm so fat. He doesn't love you, he loves the idea of you. If you hadn't got pregnant he would have left you, you slut.

"Shut up, shut up". I yell to myself.

"Honey are you okay" I hear Derek ask with worry.

"Yes Derbear I'm fine, just talking to myself" I strip down and turn the water on.

I clean up and wash my hair. Once I finish, I turn the water off. I put a towel on and unlock the door. I step out and I see Derek on the bed. He has his head in his hands.

"Baby" He looks up to me. "Come here".

He walks up to me, "baby girl are you okay".

"Derek will you love me even though I put on a little weight" I ask.

He gives me a dumbstruck look, "baby is this what this is about I will always think you are sexy, even if it's just waking up in the morning. Or wearing my clothes you are always gorgeous to me".

"Really" I ask.

"Here let me show you" he puts my hand on his chest. "As long as this heart still beats I will always love you and..." he moves my hand to his pants, "this will always be hard for you".

He smirks and I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him slowly and his tongue found its way to my mouth. I move my hands to Derek's hands that were entangled in my hair. I move them to my ass and he grips my ass. I moan into his mouth and he smiles. I pull his shirt off and he takes his pants off. I yank his boxers off and he unwraps my towel slowly. He lays me on the bed and gets on top of me. He slowly pushes himself in me and I whimper.

"Do you want me to stop" he asks concerned.

"No keep going" I tell him.

He thrusts into me and I moan really loud. He thrust slowly and hits my g-spot every time. He moans and kisses my neck. He speeds up and my orgasm gets a little closer each time. With one final thrust my orgasm over washes me and I moan in ecstasy. Derek cums inside me and pulls out. He lays on the bed beside me and we face each other.

"I love you Derek" I say.

"I love you too Penelope" he responds.

I get off the bed and get some clothes on. I put a little makeup on and I walk back to the bed. I lay beside Derek.

"Get dressed you lazy bum we are going downstairs" I demand.

"Ok you go on ahead I'll meet you down there".

I walk out the room and I walk down to the living room. Dave is sitting in his armchair, asleep. I kiss his forehead and walk into the kitchen. I start up some coffee for anyone who wakes up. Dave walks in and I notice I left a kiss mark on his forehead.

I laugh, "what".

"Come here" I grab a rag and put water on it.

He walks up to me and I clean the kiss mark off. I show him and he smiles.

"Oh I felt someone kiss my forehead I think I found the culprit" he points to my lips.

"Yeah I saw you sleeping in your chair and kissed your forehead" I admit.

"Its Ok, are you making coffee" he asks.

"Yeah I just started the batch, for when anyone decides to get the Fuck out of bed" I roll my eyes and smile.

Derek walks in, "Hey I got up".

"After I told you to" I smirk.

"So how are the kids" Dave asks.

"We don't know, my mom took them last night" Derek tells Dave.

"And that's why I'm worried this is the first time I've been separated from my babies, I'm freaking out a little" I admit.

"Well you shouldn't worry they're fine and its your honeymoon enjoy it" Dave assures me.

"Thanks Davie" I thank him.

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