chapter 14

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Penelope's (P.O.V.)

JJ and I are racing to get to the drug store, we just pull up "I don't know what to get can you get it for me", "sure", JJ is out in 5 minutes then we race to get to Derek's place.

We just pulled up to Derek's house I run inside grabbing my suitcase I threw dresses, hair puns, shirts, leggings, and pants in. "This should be enough", I grabbed the suit case and my computer and threw it in my car, JJ walked in "ok let's take the test here","ok" I walked into the bathroom and took the test, I washed my hands and walked out, we have to wait 5 minute. I put a timer on, "this is the longest 5 minutes in my life", then the timer went off, I checked the test I walked to JJ looking sad, "oh penelope I'm so sorry" ," the test was positive!!!"," oh God we have to tell Derek"," ok let's go", we raced to the airport and got on the jet to see Derek "Derbear I have some exciting news"," yes what is it", "I'm pregnant", he sat there looking stunned " oh my God I'm going to be a dad!!!" he picked me up and swirled me around. He put me back on the ground and hugged me so tightly "Derek we are going to be parents", " yeah and the best ones too", we looked over to hotch and Rossi they both said "congradulations" then Spencer, Emily, and Alex got on the jet "what's the commotion about", Emily asked, I replied with "I'm pregnant", "wow congradulations", then they gave me a group hug. "Hey can't breathe","oh sorry" I sit down then Derek sat next to me "baby girl thank you"," for what", "for being the love of my life", "aww I love you too"," I kissed him. Then we started to lift off, I started breathing really hard, "baby are you ok"," yeah just not a fan of flying" ,"oh ok but don't be worried I'm here for you".

Derek's (P.O.V.)

We just landed in Atlanta and I am way to happy cause I am going to be a father!!!, we get into the SUVs and head to the local police department, I rode with Penelope, Hotch, and David, while everyone else rode in the other car. David and Hotch sat upfront I sat in the back sitting next to Penelope cuddling with her, I could see David watching us so while Penny was shutting her eyes I gave him the finger he busted out laughing. Penny's eyes opened "what's so funny", Penelope asked "nothing baby girl","oh ok"we pulled up to the station, I jumped out and opened Penelope's door for her, "why thank you fine sir", "you are welcome my lady", everybody chuckled as they got out of the SUVs. We walk inside.

A man walked up to Hotch "hi I'm sheriff Daniels you must be agent Hotchner"," I am how did you know that"," your technical analyst sent me pictures of all of you", Hotch turned to Garcia and gave her a small smile, "well where do you want us to set up"," oh we set up some stuff in that room over there", he pointed to the room to the right, "thank you", we walked into the room and I said "Hotch you can smile", he looked at me crazy, Penny and I started laughing but got back focused.

Penelope's (P.O.V.)

I grabbed my laptop and got it set up "ok what do y'all need of your technical goddess"," look up other women who fit this specific description that go to the same gym same time", "ok love bug give me 3,2,1 done I found 8 other names", "and what are they"," I sent the list to your tablets", "ok so they all look like one another for sure ok what do we want to do", then Sheriff Daniels walked in saying "they found another body"," Hotch split people up, " JJ you and me are going to the two recent dump sites, Rossi and Blake you two are going to the first two dump sites, Derek you are going to the morgue"," ok Hotch", Derek gave me a quick kiss then took off.

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