chapter 24

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~~~ 8 1/2 months later~~~
Penelope's (P.O.V.)

I sitting in Derek's office waiting for Derek. I am also reflecting on the past 9 months.

Derek and i are fine, we finally finished moving in together, we all decided that we are going to have the wedding before the birth, we also decided to keep the genders a secret. Yes I said genders, we are having triplets. Chelsea is doing fine, her and Spencer are going out, she moved in with him and they are expecting a little boy/girl in 7 months. The team is so happy for us but they are also sad because Derek is going to be a full time dad so he won't be going to work, also I have to take my maternity leave. I am going to miss them so much but I won't be lonely because of my lovely hubby staying with me to help out with the babies.

Derek walked in, "hey darling","hey honey", he dropped to his knees, he started talking to the kids, "hello my precious babies I love all three of you, I can't wait to be there when you are born, I love you guys", He kissed my stomach 3 times for each baby. He got up, I had tears in my eyes, "oh baby don't cry","I'm fine its just I'm so happy that I have you to be my hubby and the father of my children","and I happy to be that man", he kissed me, "can we go home now","yeah let's go", we walked out and began our long but short trip home.

We made our way home, I got out of the car and went to the front door, it was surprisingly open, "Derek", "yeah", he appeared beside me, "the door's unlocked","what I locked it before we left for work", he took his gun out, "I'll go in you stay out here", "ok be safe", he went inside to investigate.

A little while later he still didn't come out, I sped walked to his car and grabbed the gun he had in his glove compartment, I walked inside and I saw a light on I walked towards it, then "SURPRISE", I screamed. The team was sitting in my kitchen holding a cake for me, "what the Hell?","sorry wait do you have a gun","yes I thought something was wrong with my baby boy", Derek appeared in the door way smiling like an idiot, I handed him the gun and said "I'm going to bed", I stormed up the stairs. I opened the door, shut it and locked it, I sat on the bed, I heard a knock at the door, "Penelope I'm sorry, we shouldn't have done that", "really cause i thought Derek was hurt or worse, dead you really scared me"," we're sorry, come back to the party for your maternity leave","fine I can't stay mad at y'all". I got up and unlocked the door, I opened it, I saw Derek and said, "Derek don't you ever do that again you fucking idiot, you know I don't do to well with surprises since... You know","yeah I understand","good now let's continue this party", I walked into the kitchen and sat down, "Derek come here cause I'm not getting up","ok", he got on his knees, "so we need to think of baby names","oh yeah I have an idea for one, a girl her name should be Mariam Mae Morgan if you like it", "baby I love it","ok two more how about tiffany Simone Morgan and Kirsten Nicole Morgan","perfect like you","aww you smooth talking Casanova","ok let's get to the boys","oh yeah that reminds me they will be momma's boys". "Fine ok so I got one Steven John Morgan","aww sounds sophisticated","okay so now we need two more boy names". "I can't think of any guys can you help us please","yeah sure". "Oh I got one Jamie Clayton Morgan" Rossi said,"oh I love you Rossi", "oh wait I got one shemar Franklin Morgan", "I love it and you too", I kissed him.

After the party everyone left I felt sick again and threw up, Derek isn't going to leave my side anytime now, he even told me, I went straight to bed, "goodnight Derek I love you","I love you too Penelope, goodnight". Then I fell asleep.

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