chapter 29

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Derek's (P.O.V.)

Penelope and I were cuddling on the couch asleep, until I heard a loud cry. I jumped off the couch and ran into the babies' room, I saw Jamie crying. I picked him and cradled him in my arms, I started humming to him to calm him down. He started calming down, I continued to hum when I heard Penelope join in, she got beside me and booped Jamie's nose. I tried to sit Jamie down in his crib but he started having a big fuss, I held him closer and he calmed again.

When Jamie started fussing he woke Steven and Mariam. They both started crying until Penelope grabbed them, we both walked downstairs. "Shh Stevie shh Mariam mommy's here" Penelope said trying to calm them, I heard someone knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it holding onto Jamie, Rossi was standing there. "Rossi hey buddy come on in and shut the door please", "yeah sure" he came in and shut the door. He followed me to the living room where Penelope sat tending to the kids. "Here let me help" Rossi said picking up Steven, "hey little man what's got you so down", He cradled him. I sat Jamie in the play pen, Penelope sat Mariam in there when she stopped crying, Rossi continued cradling Steven. "That's my boy", Dave kissed Steve's forehead and sat him down in the play pen with his siblings. Then Penelope's phone started going off. She answered it.

"Hello, [...],what that's not good, [...], is Spencer around, [...], where is he, [...], I'm coming, [...] I'll try to be there as fast as I can, [...], okay see you in a bit."

"Derek I need to help Chelsea somethings wrong with the baby and Spencer's not around", "okay" I say. "Here take my car just in case" Rossi said, "bless your heart Rossi" she kissed his cheek. She kissed me and ran out the door.

Penelope's (P.O.V.)

I am driving to get to Chelsea's place as fast as I can. She can't be going into labor she's 2 months early. I pull up to Chelsea's place, I jumped out the car and ran inside, I look around for Chelsea, "CHELSEA", "I'm right here", I see she has blood on her hands and running down her legs. "Oh my God are you okay", "I don't know can you get me to a hospital", "yeah but I need a towel", "upstairs bathroom". I ran and got a towel and ran back down, "okay let's go" we walked outside and locked her door, I laid the towel down on the seat and she sat down. We drove to the hospital.

We pulled up to the hospital, I parked the car close to the entrance. I got out and helped Chelsea out of the car and towards the hospital. We walked towards the front desk, "hi my friend might be going into labor", "ok ma'am I need you to stay calm, wait two seconds I have to make a call", "okay please hurry", she calls some nurses and they put Chelsea on a bed, they were about to take her away when she said, "no I need Penelope with me, I don't care what y'all say she is coming and that's final", "okay she can come" the nurse says. We all head towards a room and go in, "Penny I'm scared", "I know you are but listen, just know in a couple of hours you are going to be holding your beautiful baby boy or girl", "Penelope I love you, you are the absolute best, wait Spencer can you call him", "yes I will you stay here", "where would I go I'm in labor", "oh shut up I'll be right back". "Hurry" I walk outside and grab my phone and dial Spencer's number, *ring ring ring* he picked up.

"Hey Penelope what's up"

"Chelsea's in labor get your ass down here now she needs you"

"What hospital are you at"

"The one closest to my house and the one I gave birth in hurry your ass up"

"I'm on my way"

"Hurry the whole team is gonna be here for you two"



"Bye Penny"

I hung up and called Derek, *ring ring* he answered.

"Penelope is Chelsea okay"

"She's in labor I need you to call the team to get down here"

"On it and Penelope can I tell you something"

"What is it"

"I love you"

"Love you too bye"

"Bye baby girl" I hung up and went back into Chelsea's room. "Penelope I am 9 centimeters dilated", "really close how do you feel", "in pain, but proud that soon I'm going to be a mother".

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