chapter 25

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Derek's (P.O.V.)

I woke up in the middle of the nightmare it is reoccurring every night now, in the nightmare I am tied to a chair and I have to watch someone kill my babies. I need to tell someone, I need to tell Rossi.I got dressed, I kissed Penelope's forehead and grabbed my keys, I got in the car and drove to Rossi's mansion.

I pulled up to his mansion, I started banging on the door and within seconds the door opens to a very sleepy Rossi, "Derek why are you at my place","I need to talk to you and I can't tell this to Penelope","Derek you cheated?","no I am having this reoccurring nightmare that scares me beyond all measures". "Come in come in", I walked into his living room and sat down on one of his many chairs, "ok what happens in this particular nightmare"," ok so it begins with me being tied to a chair and it shows someone killing my babies, then it shows me and Penelope's wedding and she says no, and someone shoots her and she starts bleeding everywhere Rossi I'm scared"," I would be too","what is happening to me","Derek I think it's just where it's coming down to when the babies are due in a little bit and you are stressing that you won't protect them, and the Penelope thing it means you are afraid she will say no and it will kill you to know that","so what do I do", "just believe in yourself, you are a great man Derek everyone loves you especially my little kitten, she doesn't love just your body, it's your personality she loves","your right thanks Rossi","no problem now get back to my kitten she is going to call you in 3,2,1", then my phone went off, "how did you do that","I know Penelope", I answered my phone, "Derek where are you","I'm on my way home","where did you go","I had to talk to Rossi it was major important","ok just be safe and hurry up and get back","ok love you","love you too", I hung up. "Bye Dave","bye Derek", I ran outside and jumped in my car and sped home.

I pulled back up to the house, I got out and went back inside, I didn't see Penelope, I went upstairs she was asleep in the chair in our room. I lifted her up and laid her down on the bed. I got on the bed and fell back asleep and didn't have the nightmare.

I woke up and looked at my clock, it's 10:46, I got up and went downstairs, I saw Penelope dressed, "uh honey bug where do you think your going"," no where just to the doctor for a checkup want to come","yeah of course let me get dressed","ok hurry the appointment is at 12:00", "ok". I ran upstairs and got dressed,I sprayed some cologne on,I ran back downstairs, "ok I'm ready let's go","ok let's go", we walked out to the car and got in, then we drove to the doctor.

We are in the doctors office, she comes in, "hi I'm doctor. Rodriguez"," nice to meet you","I'm going to assume you are Penelope", she said shaking Penelope's hand, "I am and this is my fiance Derek","hi Derek", "hi","so you guys are here for an ultrasound I believe","yeah we are", "ok so just take your shirt off and we can begin", Penelope starts to take off her shirt, "ok let's get started"," ok". The doctor handed me the gel, I rubbed it on Penelope's stomach and I felt a baby kick, "aww how cute","you felt that too","yeah". "Ok here we go", she rubbed the sonogram thing on Penelope's stomach, "ok well it looks like the babies are fine and would you like to know the genders", "no" Penelope said, and i said "yes", "Derek we said we want it to be a surprise","I know but I want to know what they are", "fine but I don't want to know","ok thank you honey","eh", she covered her ears. "Ok tell me what they are","ok so there is one baby girl and two little boys","really oh my gosh" I started jumping up and down, I kissed Penelope's cheek, she opened her ears "ok can we go now","yeah you can go, congratulations you five", "thank you", we got up and left.

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