chapter 30

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Chelsea's (P.O.V.)

I just gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Spencer made it just before I was about to give birth. Penelope stayed by my side the entire time, I love Penny but I don't know what to name my baby girl. The team walked into my room, Derek holding two baby seats, Rossi carrying another one, and the rest of them. Blake was holding onto Rossi's arm, JJ came in with little Henry, while Emily came in with Aaron and Jackie.

"Hey guys" I say tired as Hell.

"Hey Chelsea how you feeling" Rossi asked.

"Proud about being a mom and happy I can finally let Spencer carry the baby around" I joke.

"Hey" Spencer said a little shocked.

"No but seriously I'm happy" I assure them.

"What did you guys name her" JJ asked.

"We haven't" I say.

"How about Laura Ann Reid" Spencer suggests.

"I love it my little Laura Ann Reid" I kissed her forehead.

"Hey I think that once you get out of the hospital we plan a double wedding Me and Derek and you and Spencer what do you think Chelsea" Penelope asked.

"I love it that's a great idea and it's going to be easy to plan since me and Penelope don't have much family to invite" I felt a tear slip. I wiped it quickly.

"Hey don't cry you have family both of you your beautiful kids and us we will always be here for y'all blood or not we are a big family" Aaron says.

"Including you Blake you are new but you are also family" I say.

"Thank you" she says and I nod my head.

A few weeks later

The girls and the babies and I are headed to get dresses while the men are getting suits for the wedding. Rossi said he is going to pay for everything. Penelope is trying on dresses first. She came out in this beautiful no strap, heart top, white dress with sparkles all over it.

"How does it look" she asks.

"Absolutely gorgeous" all of us say at once.

"Should I get it" she ask nervous.

"I don't see why not with a little bit more accessories it couldn't be more you" I say.

"Ok I'm gonna get it" she tells us.

"Yeah" we all say.

Penelope changed back into her dress and sat down, "okay Chelsea your turn".

"Yay" I say not enthusiastic.

I went to the back room to dress in and a nice lady brought me some choices. I found the perfect one. A pretty white v neck, with diamonds around the rim of the top, and flares out at the hips. I hurry up and change once she leaves, I finish getting dressed and walked out to the viewing room so the girls can see the dress.

"Oh gosh that dress is perfect for you Chelsea you definitely need to get it" Penelope said jumping up out of her seat.

She woke up Mariam and Laura in the process. I went to the baby seat that held Laura and cradled her.

"Shh baby mama's here shh" she calmed almost immediately.

Mariam on the other hand made a fit, "dang it how does Derek do it, she automatically calms down with him".

"Maybe she's hungry" Emily suggests.

She began feeding her with a bottle, then she calmed. I went to the back changed back into my clothes and we bought our dresses. We put them in the car. We walked back inside for our adventure of looking for dresses for the other girls.

After the day was over we all got dresses and headed to our own homes. I took Laura and put her in her crib when we got home and went straight to bed afterwards.

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